Chapter 04

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It's been almost 30 minutes that the movie had started. Wonwoo couldn't focus on the movie at all as he keep taking glances at Sera. There are times where she'll smile and laugh and Wonwoo don't want to miss that out.

When Sera turned to look at him, she caught him staring at her. Panicked, Wonwoo averted his gaze to the screen, acting like nothing happened. Sera blushed as she noticed that Wonwoo was actually staring at her.

It was then the scene where the main character nearly jump off the building that made Sera cried. Wonwoo on the other side, could relate to the main character of the movie.

Once the movie ended, both of them went out of the cinema. Wonwoo noticed that Sera still have red and tearful eyes. She wiped her tears away.

"Sorry, it's just that the movie was really beautiful." She smiled.

"It was. Do you like the movie very much?"

"Yeah, I could relate to her. Even though she have everything, but she's not free to do whatever she wants like any other girl her age. Just because she's rich, everyone thinks that she's perfect. But nobody knows her true pain. But I'm happy of how it ended. It's really a beautiful movie." Sera smiled as she looked at Wonwoo in the eyes.

"I think the main character is a very strong girl. I wish I could be like her." With her saying all these things, it makes Wonwoo wonder if she's actually dealing with something hard without anyone knowing.

But he knew asking her would make her sad or uncomfortable.

"Not all movies are as beautiful as that one. Even though it's sad, but I actually smiled a lot thinking how amazing it really was." She said, still smiling.

"Aside writing, watching movies also helps me release my stress. Isn't it fun to imagine that you're actually the main character of the movie?" She chuckled, shaking her head.

Her statement clicked his head.

'I found my dream.' He thought.


"I finally found my dream.." He said to himself.

"And I'm gonna let Sera to be the first one to know." He beamed.

"It's not that I have anyone to tell aside her." He murmured.

He rushed his way to the school's park and saw Sera sitting, she have a smile plastered on her face as she wrote something on her 24/7 notebook. It's a scene that Wonwoo likes to see the most, just Sera enjoying her own time doing something that she loves with a smile.


"Hey, Wonwoo."

"I found out what my dream is." He smiled.

"Really? What is it?" She beamed, her giving Wonwoo her excited face, curious to know what his dream might be is making Wonwoo melt. With the fact that he actually have someone to talk to and the person is Sera.

"I want to be a film producer." He in a very shy way answered.

Sera gasped.

"Woah, that's so cool! Maybe you could adapt my book and turn it to a movie or something. Who knows that might happen. You'll look really cool Wonwoo. And then, imagine one day you won the biggest award, ahhh that's so cool." Sera chuckled after that. Wonwoo looked over at her, her reaction is not what he expected how it'll be.

But he's very happy that he laughed.

"Thank you for always making me smile and laugh." He suddenly said.

"Eyy, you made me smile and laugh a lot too even though we're only friends for not even a month I think?" She frowned, trying to count on how many days they've became friends.

"What makes you want to be a film producer, Wonwoo?" Her question made him smiled.

"It's because.. I want to produce a film that'll put a smile on people." He replied.

'Because I want to produce a film that'll make you smile and laugh. I want to produce a film that'll make you happy and say 'the film was very beautiful'.' What Wonwoo had in his mind as he stared at Sera.

"You're just like me. I want to write a book that'll make people smile when they read it." She giggled.

"Not everyone can be an author. But I'm sure you'll be a successful author one day." Wonwoo flashed her a convincing smile.



"You haven't even read my book." She frowned.

"Then let me read them."


"Reading her book makes me realized of how a good author she really is.. I hope she gets to be one in the future." Said Wonwoo before he proceeds to read her book.

He enjoyed reading her book very much. At some point, he kind of relate to the main character of her book. He didn't know why, but he felt like she's writing her whole heart out, as if she's expressing whatever hardships she's facing to the book. And as if, she's just writing about herself.

Like a diary.

"I finished reading them in 3 days." Said Wonwoo, as he handed her book back.

Her book was handwritten, therefore it's the original copy. Of course, it was kinda messy and was written in pencil. But Wonwoo managed to understood everything.

"You finished reading this thick book in 2 days?" She asked with widened eyes, Wonwoo hummed as he nodded his head.

"I took 7 months and 2 weeks to finish this." She said, still surprised.

Wonwoo raised an eyebrow.

"It was really good. Where'd you got all the inspirations from?" He queried.

"It just came to my mind." She smiled.

"The girl character was very weak at first, but with everything happening, it made her stronger. I really like it. I wish I could be like her." He said, flashing her a soft smile.

"I wish I was the character that I wrote too." She chuckled.

"You could, and you'll be." He put a hand on her shoulder.

For a moment, Sera knew that she would never be as the character that she wrote. As a person, Sera knew she's weak. Sera knew she couldn't let out her voice and speak for what she wants and needs. Everything for her was never decided by her, but her father.

Seeing how Sera isn't saying anything, it made him worried. Wonwoo's running out of things to say, but he didn't want the situation between her and him to be awkward.

"Do you have anything to do after school?" She suddenly asked.

"Huh? No."

"Great, do you want to go to a book shop with me?" She asked with sparkling eyes. Swear, Wonwoo could feel his legs shaking upon seeing her beautiful smile.

"Sure. I'll wait for you at the school's foyer later."


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