Chapter 06

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"What do you mean by you've never tried cotton candy?!" Asked Sera with enlarged eyes.

"Uhh.. I literally meant what it was..?"

"You should try it! Here, take a bite." Sera handed him the strawberry flavored cotton candy. In a very hesitant way, Wonwoo took a bite and surprisingly he liked the taste.

"But it's too sweet." He said, wincing.

"It's cotton candy!" She rebuked.

"I should be home before 5pm. We have less than 2 hours now." She muttered.

"What do you want to do before you go home?" He asked.

"You know, as a kid I've never really played at the playground. Now that we're here, I am gonna relive my childhood so, bye!!" Sera waved her hand and ran to the swing. Wonwoo laughed so hard witnessing the childish yet cute side of her.

At school, Sera always have to keep her image as the mayor's daughter clean. She should act like a matured woman and should only speak the important things. It makes her feel suffocated, as if she's trapped in a cage.

But with Wonwoo, she's free to do whatever she wants and say whatever she wants.

There, she started playing, laughing like she've never played it before.

Wonwoo is very happy to see her happy, it's the sight that he loves to see the most. He knew Sera always put a smile on her face, but this time he could truly see how authentic her smile really is.

He joined her, sitting on the swing beside her.

"Do you think I'll broke the swing?" She asked.

"I don't think you will."


"I've never seen you this happy."


'From now on, I'll make sure you'll only be happy. I'll make sure nothing will ever stop you from achieving your dream. I will make sure no one could make you sad and cry. I will do whatever it takes to make sure your smile will never leave your beautiful face.' He thought as he stared at her.

Sera didn't knew what's inside his mind, but having Wonwoo staring at her like that made her blushed.

"That was so fun." Said Sera as the two are now walking their way to Sera's house.

"Thank you for today, Wonwoo." She smiled, softly punching Wonwoo's arm.

"Anything for you." He murmured.

"Why don't you come and meet me at the school's library tomorrow? During lunch, if you don't mind." She raised an eyebrow.



It's lunch time and Wonwoo arrived to the school's library. He took a seat and waited for Sera. There's no sign of her yet, he waited for a few more minutes until he began to worry about her.

Wonwoo decided to go to her class. He saw that her desk is indeed empty, not even her bag was on the chair, as if she's not attending school today.

"Who are you looking for?" Asked one of the girls.

"Where is Kang Sera?" He asked.

"She's not coming to school today. Also, who are you? I've never seen you talk to her before. Are you friends with her?" She gave him a disgusted face as she examined him from head to toe.

"Why is she not coming today?"

"I don't know." She shrugged.

It makes Wonwoo worried even more. She was doing just fine yesterday, which means she's probably not sick, but Wonwoo wasn't even sure about it.

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