Chapter 33 // Beacon Hills - The Supernaturals

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A whole information rich two hours later, the sun was slowly rising. 

Derek had always, almost unnoticable his claws out, ready to rip me into pieces if I tried to kill them, while Peter told me everything I wanted and needed to know. 

Isaac fell asleep sometime and snorred quietly on a extra couch. 

Just as he opened his eyes yet again, awoken by the little sunlight that came through the huge window, I said goodbye to the Hales for today. 

Before anyone could respond or even realise what happened, I dissapeard. 

Derek, Peter and a very tired and confused Isaac looked around and searched for any signs of magic. 

But what really happened, was not even close to magic. I just watched their blinking-path-rythm, and as they all blinked at the same time eventually, I jumped with my superstrength to the door and was gone. 

With my fastest speed, I sprinted into the woods, to safe myself from any curious looks. 

Just before school started, I arrived with my Harley in the parking lot, running to my locker to get my books. 

School was always stressed out. But in America, it was a little bit more bearable than back in europe. 

Science was more on the boring side, Math was difficult as alwas, languages were quite ok, because I was always good in languages. But sport was a new area. I always hated sport, but with the supernatural strengh of the phoenix, it was extremely cool. 

After only two days I had figured out who in school were supernaturals, especially werewolfs. 

Scott Mccall was a werewolf. True Alpha. 

Stiles Stilinski was a regular human, but something about him felt off. 

Kira Yukimura was a Kitsune. 

Lyida Martins was a Banshee. 

Malia Tate was a werecayote. 

Allison Argent was a huntress of the Argent-Hunters, but stopped a few months ago.

Brett Talbot was a werewolf, but a Omega. 

Liam Dunbar was also a werewolf, but the probably the cutest Beta I had ever seen. 

Then there was Isaac, the probably the loyalest Beta there ever was. 

Quite fascinating, what Beacon Hills had to offer on supernatural creatures. 

Last night  I got late to my room again, after hours of practicing in the basement with my weapons. 

After quickly falling asleep, I had something close to a nightmare. It was about Void. The fox that possessed me those months not that long ago. 

I heard also someone screaming, which was the sound that let me shot up from my sleep. 

I hadn't seen Stiles in a while, because he was sent somewhere for mental rehab or something, which told Scott in school, but as I saw him walking in the dream, not even near his normal behavior, I knew something was off.

My phone on the nightstand showed, that it was like five in the morning, soon time to get up for school. 

After quickly dressing and grabbing a apple, I threw over my cape and hood just in case and put all my weapons under my cape in their places and the bow with the quiver over my back. 

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