Chapter 10 // Laughing at the map

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Sam told one story after the other, but after five hours of listening to his calming voice, my eyelids begann to get heavy and I fell asleep eventually.

The last thing I remembered, was Sam talking about the history of Vampires and Werewolfs and told about a hundred storys about them.

But after that, everything got blurry. That was nothing like me. Normally I would be able to listen to someone for over 8 hours straight without losing concentration.

Then I remembered the glass of water, Dean had placed infront of me before he left the library, with a smug smirk on his face, that reflected from somewhere. 

Stupid me, I asked them to train me to become a supernatural-huntress and I didn't even check the drink before I drank it all, over the hours.

I guess I just trusted them. But as a supernatural, especially as huntress, you have to not trust anyone. 

I opened my eyes slowly, the room was lit in the pale sunshine of the setting sun. Otherwise, the room was simple. Two bookshelfs on each wall, left and right, a desk with a huge leather chair, turned around, with someone sitting in it and many interesting looking tings on it, and maps on the walls where were no windows or bookshelfs, that seemed like they were made hundreds of years ago.

"Ah you are awake" Dean spoke and turned the leather chair so I could see him, having 'his'-moment, sitting there, leaned back with his legs crossed, that were now on the table, and looked at me, as if it wasn't that unusual that someone sat in a dark, dusty, old office, hands and legs tied to a chair. 

My throat was dry and my vocie was raspy as I spoke.

"What is this?"

"You are tied to a chair sweetheart" Dean replied sweetly.

"No shit sherlock" I rolled my eyes. "I mean the office. It looks like it's a hundred years old and more! But you and Sam are definitely only a little older as my cousins and not like 500 years old?"

"Yeah you are right. That is the office of Christoph Columbus."

I eyed the room again and sighed. "You're kidding me"

"No I'm not?!" Dean sounded fake offended. He was a bad actor.

To give him that little pleasure, I played along.

"Oh really? So this is seriously the office of the famous Christoph Columbus? Thats quite intersting! Tell me 'bout him. What did he do in here? When did he come here?"

Dean was confused, why I would now belive him. But he smirked and made up something.

"He came once in a while here and was always working on his sea and land maps. He also drawed some of the ships he was sailing before. He had a great mind!"

Dean looked so self confident. I just couldn't hold it anymore.

I laughed. Dean frowned.

"What's so funny? I told you want you wanted to know"

"You did!" I laughed, forgetting the lack of water of my body and leaning forward to catch my breath while I still laughed.

"But the mistake was there, Columbus was born in Italy. He also loved the sea, so he would never have his office so far away from any lake or ozean. His only office was on his big boat on which he tried to sail to America. There was the next mistake. He never reached America, he only reached India. And Columbus would have never used any kind of bought map, to mark his route, which leads him through Missouri, on the search after werewolfs" 


My history teacher is obsessed with Columbus, that's where I got those informations from. Anyone of you also a history-lover?

Please don't forget to 





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