Chapter 19 // The end of Marcel Gerard

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(Last violent part for a longer time is underlined, everything that is not underlined is not violent anymore) 

Marcel had squated down to pick up the coin and threw it two feet toward Klaus.

Klaus on the other hand, was at it, to tear the heart out of one of the last Vampires in his way. 

He let the Vampire fall down, the heart fell down next to the Vampire. 

Klaus showed off his most sneering smile and walked towards Marcel. 

Rebecca closed her eyes for a second in relief, also we stopped to kill the Vampires for a few minutes to listen what Klaus and Marcel had to say. 

"Well, well, well. The great Marcel self-claimed king of New Orleans, bowing before me" 

Marcel hadn't had time to get up and regretted to not have taken the time to get up. Now he was about three feet under Klaus' humiliating gaze. 

"There" Marcels voice dripped of unwillingness "I hereby pledge my allegiance to you." 

Klaus waited for a second, than smiled his dirty smile. 

(Ik following scenes are not in any of the scenes in the series, but I wanted to make a connection to Supernaturals) 

"Too bad" He went to chop off Marcels head with his bare hand, but Marcel quickly stood up and did some weird moves with his hands and babbled some strange noises and the air seemed to shift. 

"I have also my last card to play" Marcel told Klaus with a dirty smirk. 

A shadow creature made of black smoke and dust with no face, only green-yellow dots as eyes appeared next to Marcel. 

I heard a sob next to me.

I turned and I could swear my heart stopped for more than one beat.

My whole body seemed to froze to the spot, I couldn't move at all. 

What I saw, almost broke me. There was not much left for that. 

Sam laid there, with a slashed up throat on the staircase to somewhere up and Dean hoverd over him sobbing and silently crying. 

Tears started to form in my eyes and I finally found the controll over my body again. 

I ran the few steps towards Sam and Dean and fell on my knees, completely blending out, what Klaus and Marcel argued about. 

It all seemed meaningless in the moment as Sams breathing slowed down. I leand down to hug him with all the strengh I had left. As Sam took his last breath, he murmured 'I love you both so much' and left this world. 

I lifted my head off of Sams chest and looked unwilling to believe into the lifeless eyes of my cousin. 

Without even knowing, the tears started to fall down my cheeks faster than I could hold them back. 

Dean wrapped his arms around me, his gaze first on Sams dead body, than he closed his eyes.

I cried everything out. All my emotions, all my feelings.

Than some deep voice behind us spoke. Dean was immediately on his feet, ready to fight against anything that stood infront of us with anything he had. 

There was the black smoke-demon-thing. 

I looked around and saw Klaus fondly smile at a headless corpse on the floor, immediately recognizing it as Marcels dead body, Rebecca hovering over it and crying. 

"So" The demon drew my attention back to it. "Due to the fact, that the person, that summoned me is dead, I have to do one 'good'-thing on this planet to get back to where I came from. Would you like me to bring your friend over there back?" 

Dean looked uncomprehending at the demon. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, that with a little quid pro quo, you are highly welcome for any favor you want" 

"And what would that favor be?" Dean asked, knowing that making a packt with a demon was nearly as fatal as to make one with the devil himself. 

"Your friend gets back alive if anyone of you lets my spirit take over his body so I can finally move free all over this planet again!" 


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