Chapter 9 // Legend Lesson

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"About 1000 years ago, a highly intelligent shaman searched for help in the village of people, he knew, that weren't normal. They were Vampires. After the shaman got badly hurt by some creature in the forest, he asked the Vampires to heal his wounds, because he wasn't able to do it himself. He was almost dying.

But the Vampires were cunning. The Vampires demanded from the shaman, as soon as the Vampires had healed him, the shaman had to bring all his people here. The shaman knew, what they wanted to do with the people and that it was a bad idea to threaten the lifes of his people, but the shaman planned a dangerous plot.

As he led all his people into their deaths, he had mixed into the food that they all ate on the way to the vampires, tonns of vervain and garlic.

So as the Vampires went to suck the blood out of all of the people, including the shaman, they all stumbled back after the first greedy gulps of blood. They chocked and some were already rolling around on the floor." 

Sometime inbetween Sam's storys, I regreted a bit, that I asked them to train me, but only for a second. 

"The Vampires asked the shaman what he had done to the people to let them taste that awful, but the shaman just smirked, got a wooden stake out behind his back and staked every Vampire in his reach into the heart, and killed five Vampires. The witch that lived with the Vampires, to help them and get protection for her abilities in trade, wasn't fond of this actions at all.

All the people of the tribe of the shaman were inaugurated in the dark plans of the shaman.

The witch hated to see, how the humans enjoyed to see the Vampires die, as much as the Vampires enjoyed to kill the humans before.

So the witch knocked them down with her magic and as the tribe woke up again, they were trapped in a cage, not that high about a large bon-fire.

The witch babbled some, for the tribe not understandable, words and they all started screaming at some point. But not for anyone to let them down, they screamed, because they felt, that something deep down inside of them changed and hurt them.

And only a few seconds later, they were all shifted into those monsterous creatures, that were later called 'Werewolfs'.

But even after the witch changed the whole tribe into uncontrollable monsters, they found ways, to attack the Vampires with their advanced senses again, but the Vampires hit back bitterly.

Over years, the war between Vampires and Werewolfs went on and on, till the witch took advantage.

To stop the Werewolfs and Vampires from fighting and killing each other, she made the werewolfs slaves of the full-moon, and the vampires slaves of the sun.

So the werewolfs were complete normal humans, only until the full moon rised. They turned into their monsterous forms and couldn't remember a thing in the morning after.

The Vampires were restricted from the sunlight, but as soon as the sun would set, every Vampire would come out and kill everything with blood in it, just to try to satisfy their never ending hunger.

The witch was very unsatisfied as she had to leave this world, to become a ghost on the other side.

Because of this events, her daughter, who was given this task by her dying mother, lured all the werewolfs and vampires to her and started to change them again.

From then on, the werewolfs could change whenever they prefered, but got out of control easily, especailly on full moons and were gifted, with super-senses. But to make a human a werewolf, they had to be frightened by the wolf shifter and when they got bit, they had a 98% chance to become a werewolf. The two percent, that didn't become werewolfs, became other supernatural creatures of literally every kind, or just died. Kanimas, Banshees, Super-Hunters, Kitsunes, Werecyotes, Ghost-riders, Onis that are pure darkness, sent to kill Nogitsunes or even those creepy Dread-Doctors.

The vampires were able to come out everytime they wanted, if they had a magic piece of jewelry that they got from the new witch. The vampires were also gifted with super-senes, especially superspeed and superstrengh. But to make a human a vampire, the vampires had to make the human drink their vampire blood and die, before they were able to get immortal and be stuck forever at the age they were, when they got killed with the vampire blood inside of them..."


Did I tell the story of Vampires and Werewolfs correctly? 

If there are any incorrects, please tell me ;)

Please don't forget to 





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