Chapter 11 // With tied hands

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I was now wheezing from the laughing, it was just too funny.

"Fine. Laugh at me. But remember. Every new hunter needs his or her hime. For some it takes hours to get out of those ties. For others only seconds."

With that he left the room, and I was alone again, just how I were in the darkness of my head all the time.

Which I was grateful, of course! Noone wanted a soul or ghost in his head.

While we talked, I didn't notice that it got completely dark outside. As well as in here.

I started to feel along the ropes, the ones I could reach.

They were tied in a difficult knot that I've never seen before.

I sighed into the darkness and tried to rip through them. 

But the ropes were just to thick and strong. 

Next thing I tried, was to squirm out of them, but that didn't work either. 

Then I remembered a trick I once saw in my favourite TV-show.

I had one try. Either, the show was really teaching something, or the ropes in the show were just prepared to rip at the slightest pressure.

I whipped in my seat forward and backwards. Slowly, till the stool, I sat on, started to falter.

 I swung harder once and the stool fell backwards.

The force, with that the stool crashed onto the ground, the ropes on my arms and legs snapped all at once.

I laughed to myself, at how good this trick worked.

As I casually opened the door, there was some change in atmosphare.

Instead of the normal lights, that would burn at that time, there was on each side of the hallway a 10 inch fire path, that only stopped at doors, so anyone could pass through without catching fire.

Impressed I looked at the fire.

I felt drawn to the fire.

Before I could stop myself, my legs squatted down and my hands reached into the flames.

There was only a short moment of immense heat, that formed into a comforting tingle.

I enjoyed the feeling of the fire on my hands, as I heard two different pairs of legs were coming down the hallway.

But before anyone could see, I jumped back onto my feet in a standing position and rubbed my wrists.

Dean knoted the ropes really tight. 

Sam and Dean came along the pathway from the living room. 

"Heyyy" Sam greeted cheerly. "You were even faster than Dean, and he set up a new record, but I think you just broke that!" 

With a pissed off looking Dean behind, Sam grabbed my arm gently and led me downstairs on a staircase, I could swear there never was before. 

Sam pulled me through a dark hallway where you could barely see your hand before your eyes. 

As the light came into my eyes again, it was, because of a door being opened dynamically. 

There we stood, in a kind of weaponstorage with every thinkable weapon. (Pic above, but on the opposit wall as shown, hanging a bow and a quiver with lots of arrows lined up next to it)


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