Chapter 4 // Eavesdropping a strange Argument

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"I told you before, you can't do this!" Sam's voice was that much fury filled, that at first I didn't even recognize it as his. 

"But they need our help! We helped each other for the last five decades or even longer! We can't just break the ally because we don't think we should do it anymore!" Dean countered.

"But we also have to do it willingly! You know what happened as the last one didn't do it willingly!" 

The door to the room they were in, a stylish conference room, was only slightly ajar. 

I knew, to eavesdrop any kind of conversation was not okay, but this was too tempting. 

"It has been ripping our family apart! We are lucky we even found her! The world is so huge, they also could have hidden somewhere in the jungle or the mountains or even the desert and we would have never found anyone of this branch of the family ever again!" Sam tried to convince Dean again.

"And I told you, that, even tho she was born of the 'Hörack'-Line she has Winchester blood in her veines! She is made for it!"

I was completely confused.

What lines?? Are they talking about bloodlines??

But I must have leant a little to hard to the door, because it swung open completely and showed me off, to a furious Sam and Dean.

"NO! Not now!" Sam shouted, and strode through the room, thought I would run. 

"What are you talking about?? Which blood lines??" I was so confused at that point, that I just stood there in the doorway, not moving a step. 

"Yes..." Sam answered hesitantly after coming to a stop and a long silence. Dean was still too much in shock, afraid of what I could have heard.  

"Our family divided in two branches, decades ago. The 'Hörack'-Line and the 'Winchester'-Line." Sam added. 

"And what were you talking about, that I was made for??" 

There was a even longer silence than before. 

I was quite tired today and I thought that I wouldn't be able to get any real answer out of the both of them, so I rolled my eyes and decided to just leave and go to my room to sleep. 


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