Chapter 13 // First Training pt.2

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I looked around the huge hall, searching for something I could aim the bow at. 

Then I saw a new staircase. At the end of it, there was a big sliding door with two wings. 

Cautiously, I sneaked down the stairs, curious if someone was maybe in there, because I heard fainted steps.

After opening the sliding door, I was so impressed, that I paused for a second. 

The room behind the sliding door was about 9'8 feet anteroom with a glass door to a even bigger training room. 

In the room I stood, there werer monitors of the whole trainingsroom that was only seperated with thick glass walls to look through. 

The monitors showed every inch of the trainings room, so I could watch my practice later and decide what to do better next time. 

Great!, I thought, this time even without sarcasm.

I walked into the huge trainingsroom, that was about 40 feet high. 

In the middle of the room, there was some kind of slightly raised square to stand on, with white light poles in every corner and in a diamond shaped pattern on the square itself. 

Standing on the two footprints that were painted with white light on the black square, golden-yellow lasers shot out of nowhere around me. 

They formed figures. 

At first only still standing animals with extra painted target points. 

I got out one of my arrows and nocked it onto the bow. 

The arrowheads were provided with little yellow shinging stripes. 

I aimed and shot the first arrow directly into the throat of the laser-deer. 

A bit suprised that the first shot already hit the target, I almost missed as the arrow fell inaudible to the ground and the laser-deer crumbled into small golden-yellow blocks to the floor. 

It was actually quite easy. 

Nocking an arrow to the bow, aiming, shooting, seeing the target crumble to small blocks. 

It was quite fun after a little while and at sometime, I didn't even know how long I was in there, the targets started to move. 

The deers and rabbits started to constantly run faster and I missed only one or two shots once in a while. 

But after the deers speeded at an unbelievable speed through the whole room and up the walls, I got off of the square and the animals and lasers immediately vanished. 

Only remaining were the about 50 arrows I shot and gathered and shot and gathered and shot.

Now I had to gather them all again. 

It was quite much work to find all the arrows, because most of them just seemed to lay everywhere I couldn't reach. 

As I finally got all the arrows together, I put the bow and quiver in their holders on the wall and walked out of the trainings-basement. 

Sam layed on the couch with his laptop on his lap, asleep. 

Dean sat on the kitchen table, also asleep, but his head was laying ontop of his hands on the keybord of his laptop and tipped constantly the letter 'K'. 

I saw, that there were about 500 sides of just the letter, even tho the size of the letters was minimal. 

I looked at the clock and was shocked. It was already 1a.m. 

For my luck, tomorrow was no school, because it was a friday. But even if there was school, I wouldn't want to go after what Theo did. 

I pulled Deans laptop out from under his arms and hold him up with one of my hands while I closed the laptop. 

After putting Dean back on the table, because I was not strong enough to carry him to his room, I searched for a blanket to put over his shoulders. With Sam I did the same. I put both their laptops and papers and pens on the table, seperating their stuff. 


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