Chapter 28 // Best flight ever

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The flight from Tokio to Missouri was probably the best 15 hours I have ever experienced. 

At first, the time wouldn't want to pass by, but as soon as I found the champagne in the mini fridge of the bar, the time seemed to speed. 

Even tho I was only 15 at that time, I loved champagne and the tingling feeling it left behind in my throat. 

I took a short nap, while Dean ordered something to eat at the chef cook himself. 

The food tasted incredible good and there was so much. 

As we finally left the jet, we weren't tired at all, but fed and happy. 

Dean was fully sober, while I was a little drunk from the whole two bottles of champagne I drank while aboard of the flying paradise. 

We got to a black, expensive off-road-jeep. 

"Whose cascets are those?" Dean asked curiously as Xialings staff put them all into the trunk. 

"Mine" I laughed. 

Only a hour later, we were finally back at the mansion. 

The staff said goodbye to us and I hugged everyone to thank them and say goodbye. 

Dean was still shocked at all the expensive looking cascets which piled up in the reception room of the mansion. 

"What is in all of those??" 

"I'm going down to unpack them, you wanna help me carry and see what is in them?" 

Dean nodded like a little todler on his birthday and carried most of the cascets down the stairs to the training room. 

On the opposit side of where the entrance was to the training hall, I found a empty room with holders for every kind of weapon. Also Katana holders. As if anyone knew, that I would bring Katanas with me.

Xialing also packed some holders for the Katanas, so they wouldn't get damaged. 

I opened the first three cascets with the Katanas she asked me to keep under my watch. 

I placed them all on the left side on holders in the wall. 

Five more cascets of Katanas were to unpack, than all of Xialings Katanas were in their places on the wall. 

As I finally unpacked my two cascets, I was proud somehow. 

I reserved the whole right side of the room for my two Katanas and the daggers, chains and jewelry. 

I placed the huge selection of daggers and chains on the right side of the room and placed a extra base in black in the middle of the room. 

The whole room was as modern as the trainingsroom I used for my bow training. 

Completely in black with editable LED lights in the walls to light up the room. 

Right now I chose red to bring the red crystals to sparkle. 

And I lit the extra base in the middle of the room with my own two Katanas on it a little lighter.

I also got my bow, quiver and arrows and lined it all up on the wall, opposit to the entrance. 

There hang now, two rows of regular, inferno and explosive arrows, and a black modern quiver and a black bow in the middle of the wall and lined up arrows. 


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