Chapter 23 // A Supernatural - A Phoenix

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Dean grabbed a extinguisher and got every flame off of me. 

Sam called Klaus for help and he came without hesitation.

A few days and loads and loads of research later, we knew for sure, that I was a supernaturla. 

A Phoenix.

The rarest supernatural creature there is in the whole world. 

The one, who is immortal, can't be killed, cannot be burned by flames or any kind of fire, summon flames and control them. 

At first it was hard work to get the flames under control and I went to school, but avoided any interactions with people, made projects alone and Theo never saw me at school again. 

As summer holidays finally began, I had my flames almost completely under control. 

I could heal, had super speed, super strengh, advanced senses, almost everything a          'normal'-supernatural had too. 

Sam would be out of town for two weeks of my summer holidays to get some 'bussines' done, so it would only be Dean and me at the mansion. 

I trained everyday almost six hours. 

The other time I was in the woods or slept or spent some time with Dean. 

After I burned the bow, quiver and arrows from the Winchester-mansion in the incident few months before, Dean drove with me on the first day of summer holidays in the city to get a bow that suited me perfectly. 

After hours and hours of searching, I finally found a bow that looked like made for me. 

It had the perfect size, quiver with loads of arrows with it, and was perfectly balanced and matched with my body size. 

I tried the bow in the try out-section of the little store and was suprised, that, as I shot five arrows in a row, everyone of them hit the target right in the middle. 

"Someone has got talent here" The elder owner of the shop said stunned. 

As soon as it was decided, that I would get that bow, I searched for the perfect arrows, while Dean talked with the shop owner over life and stuff. 

I found pretty good ones. 

Especially for hunting. 

Ones that were regular, ones that catched fire as soon as they hit the target, and some that exploded as soon as they hit the target. 

I also asked Dean, if we could buy a second one. Either for Dean and Sam if they wanted to try, or for me, if my other broke. 

Dean agreed happily. 

As it seems, he liked that Talia, the shop owner, very much. 

We bought them and Talia assured us, that we just had to call her and she would let the arrows or spare parts of the bow deliver. 

The whole drive home, I teased him with how obvious he was flirting with Talia. 

But Dean just smiled and looked at the road. 

He was happy, I was happy, because it was extremely rare, that Dean was happy and had not some disturbing thoughts or any other problems. 


Please don't forgtet to





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