Chapter 18 // The Vampire Army vs Klaus pt.2 (+Hunters)

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Same warnings as for Chapter 17, also very violent

!!Again: You are not missing out on anything if you don't read this chapter!!

The Vampires still cheered and congratulated themselfs as Klaus knelt there, head hung low, unconscious, how it looked for everyone. 

But I sensed, that nothing there was like it seemed. 

Klaus wasn't unconscious, he just played and waited for his opportunity.

But than a growl was audible. A loud and strong growl. 

Everyone went dead silent, the cheers died down. 

Klaus raised his head with bloody hair and blood smeared face, his neon-yellow Hybrid-Eyes with the dark veins under his eyes on display.

He opened his mouth with his extanded, razor sharp teeth and growled even deeper. 

Rebecca looked utterly shocked. She thought she had just lost her brother. 

And Marcel just started at Klaus' state confused and freezed. 

I had literally no time to think. 

There were those moments in life, no matter how old you are or where you are, you have to make a choice in a split second. And the deceptive thing with that is, that you can't allow yourself to act on emotions or preference. You have to think rationally and fast. 

And That was exactly what I did. 

What the Vampires murmured about Klaus Mikaelson, was monsterous, but all monsters have a good side. In real life at least. 

I also heard, that Klaus had a wife with a baby on the way or something like that. 

Even if I had nothing to do with the life of the Vampires, leave alone this Original Vampire or his family, I would never be able to see myself in the eyes again, if I destroyed the chance on a at least halfway normal life for this poor baby. 


It was only a whisper, but as I glid down the walls into the chaos of the Vampires, Dean and Sam were not far behind. 

And as Klaus noticed the three shadows, he started to fight again. 

He ripped his arms free of the chains, as if he was just bored until now. 

With Hybrid eyes and the black-red patherns under his eyes he attacked the Vampires near him and killed them all. 

Some got their heart ripped out, others were torn into two parts. 

"Marcel!!!" Klaus threatened "Come in here and finish this!!"

Sam, Dean and I started quiet, so none of the Vampires would notice us, but we killed all of them in a very small amound of mintues.

Only as the focus came off of Klaus for a second, to look why the other Vampires weren't fighting, they saw three black figures, killing with seemingly invisible weapons all of the Vampires. 

The ancient dagger made of whiteoak wood, which she intended to set her brother into a trance for the next few decades, fell to the gound, inaudible. 

"Pick up the coin!!!" She screamed in panic into Marcels ear. 

"What?" Marcel asked slowly, slow on the uptake. 

"They all won't stop till everyone is dead!" Rebecca spoke so fast, she almost stumbled over her own words "and he will kill you too- End this. Pick up the coin" She said, out of breath and mentioning to the coin on the floor, a few feet away from them. 

The fight carried on while Marcel took his seemingly sweet time to decide, to wether die or ruin his pride. 

'Fearless Diego' got some wooden stake right through the heart and fell to the ground.

Klaus run up a wall and on his way he knocked three more Vampires to the ground, unconscious. 

Marcel finally made his desicion.

"ENOUGH!!!!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. 


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