Chapter 42: Sons of Adam and Eve

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Sitting at the table with the Duncan Royals, Ivar's mood completely changed when he sat at the large dining table. He is with the King, concubine and the princess, what could possibly ruin Ivar's mood?

"Are we going to start eating without her majesty the Queen and the prince?"

"I believe that the Queen is busy taking care of the festival and the ritual for tomorrow, she won't be here." The King gestured to his servants and they opened the cover to the food.

Ivar dropped his fork and knife, he stood up and started walking, but then the King suddenly spoke.

"Your father had let you do things that pleases you young prince. There will be a time where you are going to question yourself about your own decisions."

Of course, Ivar did not listen and headed to his chamber.

"My Prince? Why are you early? Did you not enjoy the food?" Elon asked and lifted a basin full of water and placed it on the floor near the bed.

"I guess you left because you don't like dining with them." Esmeray picked up a comb and started combing Ivar's hair. While Elon is washing Ivar's feet.

"What are you planning for tomorrow, my prince? I know you are thinking of something else when you enter your chamber." As what Ivar expected, Esmeray knew him well and could tell that he was planning something.

"Tomorrow, I already know what will happen, the princess will fail to make it rain and I can feel that the gods are on my side." Ivar smiled at Esmeray like he is planning a murder already.

Esmeray sighed and Elon finished wiping Ivar's feet. He then pointed to the balcony, "I think I can feel holy power on the balcony." Esmeray raised her eyebrows at Ivar and Ivar just waved his hands.

"He's a priest that I know, you two can rest now. You can leave me alone." It took some convincing before Esmeray and Elon believed Ivar.

Ivar lifted the curtain and he saw the God of Light staring at the moon.

"What is it?" Ivar asked first.

"How did you know that the ritual will fail?" Ivar smirked because of what the God of Light said.

"Because she has no potential in housing a Holy Power in her body, as simple as it is."

The God of Light faced Ivar, his face is full of worries that's why Ivar held back himself from saying anything anymore.

"Before I leave, I have a gift for you. A thank you gift for accompanying me earlier." The God of Light wasted no time and pointed his finger on Ivar's forehead.

A very warm light blinded Ivar's vision, when it vanished, Ivar was standing somewhere. It's a ritual. People are kneeling while praying and at the center of the ritual is the princess of Duncan. She spread her arms towards the sky and said some prayers, then a sudden rain came down and the people kneeling looked up to the sky and cried in happiness.

But Ivar was not impressed, he clenched his fist and looked in the direction of Arsalan. He was just standing there, looking at the sky while it rained heavily.

'But how? She has no Holy Power!' Ivar looked down, but then he realized something.

He saw some men wearing clothes that should not have been here in this world. A kind of clothing that only exists on Earth, where Ivar, no Patrio came from.

"What? What are they doing here?!" Ivar ran towards the men, he realized that they are the ones that are doing the fake rain. They are using their ability.

Ivar was about to punch the man but then he remembered that this was a memory that the God of Light gave to him.

"I need to stop this."

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