Chapter 40: Long Live the Crown Prince Uriel!

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"Prince Uriel? Is there something wrong?" It is passed midnight when a knight noticed that the Crown Prince is looking at the sky directed to the Orh Kingdom.

"Hm? Oh, just wondering if my brother is behaving himself right now."

The Knight nodded, he understands the Crown Prince because only he can calm Prince Ivar, without the Crown Prince then there is a high chance that Prince Ivar might do something crazy again.

"Oh my prince, you should rest now. We are going to continue our journey early in the morning after breakfast." The knight shoo the Crown Prince away as if he is just ordering a child to sleep.

If a normal Royalty will see this, they would punish the knight, but this is Ohr Kingdom Knights where the knights are in charge of the Prince's well being, like a maid taking care of a child.

The Silver Dragon Knights departed early in the morning and after a long journey of riding their horses, they are now approaching the gate of the monster's den.

"Let's go." Uriel said. As they were reaching the gate, they could see the knights under a noble family who were tasked to guard the gate. The Vice captain of the Crown Prince's Knights lifted their flag and waved it quickly.

"Open the gate!" A knight at the top of the tower base shouted and the large number knights at the ground quickly grabbed the large handle of the gate and they opened it as fast as they could.

When the Silver Dragon Knights entered the gate, they closed it immediately.

"It is going to be loud these days huh." One knight said as he watched the gate.

"Of course, they are going to slay a huge dragon after all."

"A dragon for a dragon, who would win? A real dragon can breathe a fire, but the Crown Prince is also strong."

"Let us say that the Crown Prince is strong, but how can he slay a dragon? He's just a human."

"Don't underestimate the Crown Prince, how do you think the previous rulers killed their dragon for the King's Quest? He will be the next King, one could not be judged." The Knight walked away after saying that, he will have to prepare so that after the Dragon slaying, the gate will be ready to be open wide once again.

"We will clear the monsters that are close to the gate for the next three days." He added and removed his helmet, exposing a blinding silver hair and his silver eyes.

"I understand, Captain." The knight bowed.

"You should not say anything in front of an Ohrian blood." The other knight said as he patted the shoulder of his subordinate.

"I forgot for a moment, it's because the captain has been hiding his appearance with his helmet."

Inside the den, the Silver Dragon Knights stopped in front of a tall mountain and dismounted their horses. They looked at the top and they saw a bright red dragon taking a nap. It was not a long time when they suddenly heard a loud voice.

"Is it that time of the year again?"

Uriel dismounted his horse and held the scabbard of his sword.

"A human with silver hair and silver eyes, just like what the other dragons said." The red dragon raised its head and looked at Uriel with a sharp gaze.

"Do the other dragons love to tell a story about the Ohrian bloods? That's kind of sweet." Uriel took out his sword and aimed it at the dragon.

The red dragon tilts its head as if he's not liking what he's seeing right now. The dragon stood on its four legs, the red scales shine as the fire around the monster's den rose to the mountain.

"You humans and your greed for power is immeasurable, you killed many dragons just to solidify your position as Kings." The dragon said those words as he walked towards Uriel.

Uriel who has been standing and has not moved even a little, looked at his men and said "Step back, far away from this place."

"Mmn, you think you can actually kill me." The red dragon spread its wings and flapped it towards the Knights.

"Hold on tight!" The vice captain shouted as he stabbed his sword on the ground and held the hilt of the sword.

"Dragons sure have a shitty personality." Uriel ran towards the dragon, his sword glowed a golden color and it changed to a chain with a blade on its end.

"Take cover! Don't be a burden to the Prince!"

The dragon opened its mouth and was ready to breathe fire, but Uriel aimed for the mouth causing the dragon to close it and dodged. The blade hit the scales and it did not do anything to the dragon.

"Foolish, my scales are hard enough to resist a holy weapon."

"I will bathe using your blood after this fight." Uriel's weapon glowed in gold once again and it changed to a spear.

Uriel aimed for the dragon's neck as he can't destroy the head because the head will be his trophy. But the neck was protected with hard dragon scales, Uriel summoned his spear and jumped as the dragon's tail was about to hit him.

This opportunity was taken by the dragon to breathe its fire but Uriel cast a shield to protect himself. Uriel smirked, he thought that even dragons cannot defeat the shield of the God of Light. The dragon spread its wings and flapped them, the dragon rose to the sky and Uriel looked up.

"You want an aerial fight huh." The golden spear glowed once again and it changed to a bow and arrow.

Uriel stomped on the ground and his eyes glowed in silver light, thunder and electric-like lights struck Uriel as he was ascending to the sky, with fierce and godlike eyes, Uriel aimed his bow and arrow towards the red dragon.

The dragon underestimated the situation and flapped its wings towards Uriel, but before the strong wind approached Uriel, he released the arrow and it divided itself into a multiple huge and spear-like arrow. The golden arrows hit the long neck of the dragon and its body. Unable to defend itself, the dragon tried to fly away but Uriel was faster, his weapon became a long, sharp, two edge sword and struck the dragon's neck.

The sword glowed in gold as it bathed in dragons blood, the sky turned gray and the thunder strikes became crazier.

"So this... is the power of the Ohrian Bloods." The Vice Captain was standing in the middle of the battlefield as the dragons neck was cut.

The dragon's body fell down and it caused a minor earthquake, Uriel who was looking up to the sky, spread his arms as he was welcoming all the thunder to himself and he was glowing in silver-gold.

"Long live the Crown Prince!" The Vice Captain shouted and raised his sword.

"Long live the Crown Prince!"

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