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Good morning, guysss!!!!
Happy Sunday!!! Thank God for sustenance mehnnnn<3

Anyway, here's a little something for when you get back from church. I want to see y'all's comments.😗

empressromzy07 here you go, babe.


Last night all I wanted to do was die
Right now I'm just happy to be alive


I paced the length of the empty classroom impatiently, waiting for the boy I'd invited to join me in the class. I had a ton of things running through my mind since Larisa, Iris and I had a conversation earlier today, and I figured I needed my questions answered. Hence, a simple "We need to talk" message to Evan, stating the time and place.

He was late.

This was one thing I knew wasn't like him at all. Did he chicken out? Was he planning to stand me up? The rain outside was fluctuating in intensity; one moment, heavy, the other, a light drizzle. A part of me wondered if that was what contributed to Evan's tardiness. Then again, I prayed the rain didn't cause me to be trapped here with him when (or if) he arrived.

Tired of walking, I pulled out a seat and placed myself behind a desk, elbows propped on the table and my hands fisted under my jaw, with my eyes set on the door. I just hoped I didn't sleep off eventually.

After five minutes that felt like an eternity, soft quick footsteps alerted me to the arrival of a new presence. Keeping my eyes trained on the entryway, Evan came into view. He stopped at the door, probably surprised to see me staring at the door in such a way, then took two cautious steps forward. I think he was trying to know whether I was still interested in talking, considering how late he was.

Evan was dressed in a plain baggy black sweatshirt that looked cozy and comfortable as hell. For bottoms, he had on blue denim slacks that were damp, making me realize he'd walked in the rain. He was wearing a pair of white and black kicks whose brand was unrecognizable to me, but I could bet they were nothing short of designer shoes. A puma pendant dangled from the silver chain around his neck, and in his hands were food packs wrapped in a white nylon.

"Willow," he smiled, stepping closer. "You scared me for a second there. I'm late, I know. I just had to speak to Maina and I thought to get us something to eat since it's already lunch time. The line was crazy, so yeah."

He glanced down at the packs of food in his arms and gently placed them one after the other on the table, while I sat in silence watching him. He was being really nice to me and I began to have second thoughts about the entire confrontation that was my reason for calling him here.

"You're not speaking." Evan stated, glancing up at me before raising himself to his normal height, staring at me. "Are you okay?"

The internal conflict raged on within me at his question. Surely, he wouldn't have noticed if he didn't pay attention to me, right? But wasn't it the same "attention" he paid to Maia? Where did things go between them?

I sighed, averting his gaze and lowering mine to my palms laying in my laps.

"We need to talk, Evan." I finally spoke, and he broke into a smile again, rubbing his forearm over his damp forehead.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬Where stories live. Discover now