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Happy new month! And surprise to all those people that have been oppressing me to update😂 iamthat_girl_ oya take😂✨

This was my favorite chapter to write so far, because it shows the intelligence of my baby boy😂😌 the LOML😍

Anyway, check out _couchpotatoes_ if you haven't ✨

Read and be blessed.



    The symposium hadn't begun when I walked into the Arena, however, there were campers loitering, gisting and all at each corner of the hall. Flashing over exaggerated grins at the females, and males, who'd either waved at our called out to me, I made my way to the middle row of the properly arranged hall, and picked a seat towards the front. The waves and calls here and there didn't stop even as I sat down, and I did well to entertain them, blowing kisses, winking, flashing smiles where I deemed fit, giving them more and more to gush about.

I was being adored, and it gave me great joy knowing that I was getting what I deserved. They knew well enough to kiss up to the most important personality in their space and they did just that. Perfect.

Funny how I'd never seen any of them before now.

Smiling to myself, all I wanted to think about was Willow Douye Alali. The expression of gratitude in her eyes when she'd seen me this morning; when the others had told her, just as I planned, that I was the one who put together those thoughtful gifts. It was evident in the way she looked at me that there was so much praise and adoration she longed to express, but seemingly couldn't find the appropriate words for, at the moment. It was all there, the raw, naked look of appreciation in her eyes. And she hadn't even seen the letter yet. 

Yes, I'd inputted a simple short "Get Well Soon, We Love You" letter in the basket, with my name at the end of course, and it sure as hell was going to bring her to me. She was no longer going to act like I didn't exist.

"Evan" the voice of a girl called to me, and I turned. Much to my surprise, she was sitting right next to me. 

Why? I had no idea.

Who? No idea either.

"Hey?" I stared at her questioningly, wondering why in the world she was so close to me, and beaming unaligned teeth at me. 

"Do you remember me?" She asked, and I frowned. How was I supposed the remember someone whom I'd never seen before?

"Okay," she chuckled. A very fake, very forced chuckle, at that, then she spoke. "This is sure going to seem strange, considering you don't even remember me, but-"

Nah, I had to stop her right there. I wasn't going to let anyone play mind games on me.

"First of all," I started, adjusting my jacket as I faced her fully. "Can you stop saying I don't remember you? We've never met before. Ever"

The expression on her face looked like that of surprise as she opened her mouth probably in search of words to say, then shut it when she found none. I, on the other hand, dismissively looked away from her, and down at the screen of my phone which showed 3:20PM. Silently, I wondered why the hall was still half empty.

"Well, what I want to say is that I have something to show you" the girl said again. That sure had me curious. However, I was not going to beg her for whatever what she wanted to show me was. So, without looking at her, I hummed lowly in response, so that she would understand that I'd heard her, and I was interested in what she had to show me.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬Where stories live. Discover now