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Welcome back to my imagination 🤭
Sooo, this POV we're about to explore might be a bit umm... Tacky
And I've been avoiding writing this because I feel I can't do justice to this particular character because my baby is battling 🥺 a lot internally
Well, I hope you guys like it sha.



    "... In Jesus' name, Amen"

"Amen" we echoed after Larisa concluded her prayer over our lunch. By we, I mean myself, Maina and Iris. We were only five on the table, and I didn't understand why, considering we'd sat exactly the way we sat last night, all eight of us, this morning. I kinda expected it to be that way for lunch too.

Soon enough, conversation sparked up at the table. We were talking about the state of hostels and how they'll be at the end of the week.

Although I couldn't take my mind off what Evan had said about me being at fault for Willow's uhh.. accident, the talk on the table was quick to serve as a good enough distraction.

"Guys eh, our hostel is already turning into a mess oh" Ziora was laughing at something Maina had said. "Especially in the hands of those Funke dem. Ask Larisa nau"

"Oh you even know their names sef" Larisa hissed. "I don't know how girls can be soooo dirty. Yet, all they do is to gossip upandan. Cho cho cho everywhere, common keep your own things clean they cannot. God forbid o. And later they'll complain that they're searching for one thing or the other"

"I swear!" Ziora chipped in, placing her hand over her mouth while she laughed. "In just a day, they've misplaced God knows what twice. Two times, ah!"

"You should see our hostel" I laughed. "The boys there are pigs. Including this oga sef"

Everyone looked to Maina on cue as I gestured towards him. The boy had a hand sprawled on his chest, his mouth hanging open in mock surprise, acting surprised as if I'd lied.

Of course he wasn't a slob, however he wasn't neat, per se. He wasn't as neat as I was, and I knew I wasn't even all that neat. The only boy in the hostel who still had all his things intact was Evan. The guy was a clean freak when it came to his things, no doubt.

"Oya lie" Zaynab spoke next and I laughed because I didn't quite expect that from her. Everyone else was laughing at that, while Maina just shook his head.

"You've spread my dirty linen outside bayii ?" He asked and I laughed again. The amount of laughter coming from our table must've made head turn, wondering if we were alright at all.

"That's why you should've washed it" Larisa smirked slyly making all of us, including Zaynab to laugh. Again.

For people who were on the verge of losing a member, a friend, a sister, we seemed rather too joyful. I knew well enough that it was simply a facade though, a coping mechanism to distract us of the reality that Willow was actually fighting for her life. At least to me it was.

"Honestly, I don't dig dirty boys". Once again Zaynab shocked all of us by speaking. One would've thought the Hausa girl didn't know how to talk with the way she'd been awfully silent most of the time.

Maybe she's getting comfortable.

"Thank you oh, Jummy. Tell him" that was Larisa playfully mocking Maina. I smiled at the way Larisa had resolved to calling everyone by her given nickname for them.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬Where stories live. Discover now