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"Hurry up, Jummy. Let's go fast fast!"

Guess who.


Guess why.

Willow is awake.

I mean that was a good thing, shey? Yes, it was.

At the moment, we were all on our way to the clinic, to see Willow. Larisa had asked me to pack some of Willow's clothes into a duffle bag which she gave me, considering Willow and I were in the same dorm. The boys were already on their way to the clinic, carrying the "load", which consisted of little gifts including other DIY handmade stuff we'd put together, and ordered for Willow, as suggested by Evan yesterday.

Safe to say that was the first time he was actually doing something sensible. It was obvious he wanted to make up for his wrongdoings of yesterday, and honestly, he had done a pretty good job so far. I mean, the guys were now cool with him, talking, vibing and all. Even Larisa wasn't so angry anymore.

In no time, we were all on the way to the clinic, Maia and Larisa walking, no skipping, jumping and chattering in front of Iris and I. The celebrity chose to remain quiet, a small smile playing on her lips, while I laughed at Maia's and Larisa's antics. At a point they both shot their hands up over their heads, moving their waists in a very silly manner, while making very funny sounds with their mouths, and still managing to walk without falling on the tarred road.

They seemed to have forgotten about the near fight they almost had yesterday, as they were now vibing so freely with each other.

I gave Evan some of the credit, and the larger part went to Allah for giving Willow another chance.

"You guys took quite a while" Maina pointed out as soon as we got to the clinic. Apparently, they'd been waiting for us. I stared at the boy with whom I was completely smitten and captivated by, his eyes glistened with a look akin to one of immense joy and happiness. And I honestly thought it was because of Willow, until I noticed he was smiling. A wide toothed grin. In my direction, but not at me. Instantly, I knew who that look, that smile was for. I turned to her, who had something I assumed was a blush spread on her face and a scowl slapped my face immediately.

Who did she think she was?

I felt a pang in my chest seeing them, inadvertently remembering the one thing I'd tried so hard since last night not to think about; them sneaking away after dinner. I had no idea where they went together alone, or what they'd been up to. I saw neither of them until this morning.

I shot a glare at Iris before letting out a small hiss and walking to the front, where Larisa and Evan stood, talking. I had no idea why Iris was trying to steal my man, but I wasn't going to let her. For now, my main focus is Willow. But Maina. Is. Mine.

"So you're not angry with me anymore?" I heard Evan ask Larisa who had a wide grin plastered on her face.


"Nope" she nodded, popping the "p". "I think you already redeemed yourself yesterday evening, Tani. And the whole reason behind our fight was Willow's accident, right? She's fine now, so let's put all that behind us"

"Of course," Evan smiled, while subconsciously adjusting the collar of his jacket, as Maia joined us, with the widest of grins on her face, squeezing Evan.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬Where stories live. Discover now