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Welcome back, thank you!❤️
I swear, I had something to say but I've forgotten. So, just read on😅

And thanks



Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

That was the name I'd been chanting under my breath since Willow slumped on the table with the fork sticking out of her thigh.

And now, sitting in the waiting area of the camp hospital, I still could not get that one name off my lips. So once again, I muttered "Jesus Christ of Nazareth"

Everyone was here too, except Evan. The doctor was speaking to Maina, while Sebastian sat with his arms around Larisa who looked like she was going to faint. Zaynab was sitting quietly, she looked unfazed although she was muttering something the whole while, and Iris? The girl was literally in a whole other dimension. She looked like a statue. Her eyes stared straight ahead with the coldest expression, and I wondered what could possibly be going on in her mind.

"What'd he say?" That was Sebastian to my brother, after the doctor was done speaking to him about Willow. I knew it was really bad from the look on my brother's face. He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face before speaking.

"She severed her femoral artery and is in a critical condition. She's being taken into surgery immediately, but there's a huge possibility she might not survi-"

"God forbid!" Larisa screamed before my brother even finished speaking. "She will not die! Nothing will happen to her!"

She was sobbing now, and Dindu pulled her even closer to her chest, in a bid to comfort the wailing girl. Her sobs were heart wrenching and it broke my heart hearing someone cry like that. It didn't take long before I started crying too.

I'd never witnessed someone die, and I didn't even want to imagine what it'd feel like for Willow Alali to die, on the second day of camp.

"I'm going to the reception. Let me see how much I can pay for now, to ensure she gets the best treatment" Maina breathed after a while. "You guys wait right here"

"I'm coming with" Iris was up from her seat in a flash and before Maina could even protest, she'd already taken three long strides in front of him and towards the reception.

"I'll be back" he mouthed to me and I nodded, sucking in a breath and wiping my tears. And then I began to pray, something I hadn't done in a while. I had no idea what I was saying or whether it made sense, but I knew I kept saying "God please save her", I prayed and prayed and prayed things that I wasn't even sure were considered prayers and not just mere wishes, but strangely, after that prayer, I felt at peace. I wasn't worried sick anymore.

Even as doctors and nurses moved in and out of that operation theatre, I had the strangest feeling that Willow was doing just fine, and so I relaxed in my seat.

"Good morning sir" I heard Zaynab greet and I looked to my left to see the camp commandant, I'd forgotten his name, he was walking towards us, and one after the other, we greeted him.

"Morning" he replied. "How's the patient?"

"Sir, we don't know for now. She's in operation, but I bet she'll be alright" I shocked myself with the confidence with which I spoke.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬Where stories live. Discover now