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Good evening children of God, and welcome back to my ✨imagination station ✨
If you're still here, I value you a lot tysm I love youuuu🥺❤️




Nothing else she said mattered to me. The only thing on my mind was that the food had finished without me getting a taste of it. I didn't care if there were others who hadn't eaten either, I didn't fucking care whether the amount of people that showed up at the camp were more than they'd planned for today. I didn't care about all that. All I knew was that Evan Tanimola Johnson was hungry. And he was going to stay hungry until further notice. She'd told me that a second batch of food was on its way and I should be patient, but anyone would know that the second batch is always of lower quality than the first.

Why? Because the second batch is always reserved for "in case" situations. It was food for charity, for the peasants. Not for people of my status.

Hence, I walked out of the dining hall without saying a single word, and into the dark night.

"Evan! Guy are you deaf or something?!" That was Maina basically yelling at me now. I had no idea when he'd gotten to my front, and apparently, we were standing at the door of the dining. I honestly thought I'd left already. It was obvious that wasn't the first or second or third time he'd called my name and that confused me because I hadn't heard him at all.

"Hey" I said.

"What's wrong with you? You never chop?" He asked, seemingly amused at my situation.

"I haven't" I stated blankly and looked up at him. "These people just fucking told me that the stupid food has finished. Is this what I paid almosttwo hundred thousand naira for?? Should've known sef. Lower prices, lower quality" I scoffed.

"You're acting like a baby" the Muslim boy laughed at me. I didn't get what was funny o, and Maina was busy laughing as if I'd cracked a joke.

"You're saying that because you've eaten now" I shot him a glare which he laughed off and swung an arm over my shoulder.

"See where you're supposed to be" he gestured to a table which was occupied by five girls already. "So that they can give you food. Let's go"

I walked with him towards the table and as we moved closer, all eyes were on me, just the way I liked. So I held my chin up, and reaching the table, I slowly took the jacket which was slung over my shoulders and tossed it on the table, then pulled out a seat and sat down as slowly as possible. Then I exhaled and said, "I'm famished".

And that was when I realized that there was a pair of eyes which stared at me with an unfazed expression, unlike the others which were basically ogling me. And she was Willow Alali, a girl I knew from Instagram. We'd never spoken although we followed each other. And now, because of the way she looked at me, I didn't think I'd like her much. Honestly though, she was pretty.

I tore my eyes away from Willow and looked at the girls on the table, there was this mixed girl whom I'd seen earlier during orientation, then a dark skinned girl in a hijab, then the prettiest I'd seen, she had chubby cheeks, a pointed nose and full lips. She was light skinned and on glasses and her hair was covered with a green coloured bonnet. Then lastly, there on the table was Ziora Barlowe. I believed she was the only one on the table who was halfway up to my status.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬Where stories live. Discover now