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"They said eight o'clock. Eight. It's to twelve now and we're still sitting down here". That came from a girl seated a row behind me in the spacious hall of the Hillsview Arena, followed by a very, very annoyed hiss.

Sincerely, she stole the words right out of my mind. And she hadn't even arrived as early as I had, but like she'd said, they had said eight o'clock.

It was the first day of the summer camp taking place in Hillsview International Academy, a secondary school for the one percent of the one percent. This was my first time coming here and God knows I wouldn't have come early if I knew that we'd still be seated, waiting for "registration" four hours later.

Tired and bored, I surveyed the hall in which we were seated. It was huge to say the least, it could contain at least seven hundred people at a time. Which is a lot for secondary school students. The royal blue plush seats were arranged neatly in a four rows, four columns pattern, meaning that there were sixteen seats in each section, and then there were about fifty sections divided into the front, middle and back of the arena. I also happened to notice that royal blue and silver were the colours of this school. From their gate, their signboard, school buses, the pillars in the hall too were coloured silver and royal blue. It was obvious. In general, from the pictures I'd seen and real life evidence, the school was huge. It wasn't like my secondary school at all. I assumed there were at least ten buildings within the walls of this institution. And I don't mean small buildings. I mean huge, huge buildings, ten of them. The classrooms were digital classes, their laboratories were top notch and then, their accommodation was to die for. At least that's what I'd heard.

I shifted my attention back to my phone and continued reading on Wattpad, a story called My Wattpad Love, when someone got in the seat next to me. I wouldn't have looked up if he hadn't spoken to me.

"Hey" he said. Slowly, I looked up at him. He was grinning and acting all familiar as if we'd met before.

Had we? No.

I adjusted my blue denim jacket and opened my mouth to speak when he beat me to it.

"Are you from Tennessee?"

"No" I replied. I'd heard this line one too many times. In fact, three too many times. I was bored and it was an outdated way to start a conversation. If he wanted to be a playboy, he could at least do it right.

"But you're the only ten I see"

"Lol" I said with the most blank expression ever. Literally, I'd said LOL.

"Do you have a name or can I call you mine?" He asked again with a smirk on his face. Imagine the nonsense.

"They didn't warn us to bring insecticides to this place" I muttered when he was about to speak again and he seemed to have gotten the hint because he just said "bitch", hissed and left. Good for me.

I checked the time again, it was already 1:27, and that's when the noise started. It came all the way from the people who were outside. They were screaming, running in to call their friends, talking about something, or someone, and at a point I got scared. I thought someone fainted or something.

Then she stepped in. And I could've screamed too if I didn't know better. She was a human just like us. But hell, she was Iris Zioranmachukwu Barlowe.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬Where stories live. Discover now