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Good morning 😁✨



  "Johnson, Evan. Step up for your certificate of participation please", the trainer called with a still authoritative voice from the front of the class.

Walking up to the man who was about a foot shorter than I was, I maintained an impassive expression, while I carried the detailed earthen flower vase carefully in my two hands. I'd spent the greater part of my leisure period after I'd spoken to Larisa, carefully carving the large ball of clay I'd moulded earlier, until it came out as intricate as I was, as perfect as I desired.

"Y'know, if I hadn't seen you carve this yesterday, it would've been unbelievable that you made this" the trainer spoke, while he ticked my name on some register and handed me the laminated certificate that had my full name in cursive.

Johnson, Evan Tanimola.

I glanced at the name, smirking as I got reminded of just who I was, and while I anticipated the rounds of praises that were to come from the trainer and others around me, I digested his previous words.

While on first thought, it seemed like a bash to my ego as it could've meant he didn't expect me to be good, I decided to forgive his ignorance, seeing the statement as evidence that I'd truly created a masterpiece. As usual.

"You would make a fortune if you sold this, honestly". He said again, and I nodded quietly, walking back to my seat.

There was no fortune greater than what I desired, and I was going to get it.

On getting to my seat, as expected, I received another round of compliments on how beautiful and artistic my piece of pottery was. It was an art I'd learned a long time ago. Pottery, that is.

* * *

  I just watched silently as the others helped Willow gather her things which were neatly arranged in the hospital room. From the look of it, it seemed she'd surrendered to circumstances and was beginning to get comfortable in the place. However, she was getting discharged today and that, apparently, put everyone in a great mood.

"See ehn, Wills" Ziora started after someone else had spoken, looking at the girl who had a soft smile sitting on the bed and making the room fall silent. "If you wish, you could come to my hostel and stay, if you're not comfortable in yours. Abeg, I don't want anything that'll inconvenience you".

Willow laughed lightly as though she was actually contemplating the offer, which she most likely was, before shaking her head politely with a soft smile. An action that clearly read "I don't want to inconvenience you any more than I have already". It was obvious she wanted to stay closer to Ziora, but she took that little decision in order not to be selfish.

I couldn't help but smile a little. Couldn't be me.

Looking up, her eyes met mine, and I held her gaze, letting off a little smile to her which caused her eyes to visibly soften, and she seemed to ease up, like she'd been holding her breath.

"Did you just call her Wills, though?" Chimdindu laughed loudly, bringing me back to the present, while Ziora looked genuinely confused as to what was funny. "That's a boy's name abeg. You and Evan are horrible at giving nicknames"

"Excuse me!" I spoke up, narrowing my eyes playfully at the boy in response to the stray bullet that'd pierced through my abdomen. "I take great offense at your statement, Dindu. See me on my own now, oh".

"Lekwa" he teased, nudging his chin towards me, telling them in Igbo to "take a look" at my antics. I would've smacked his head if I was any closer to him.

"Do you know how many people wish I'd give them a nickname?" I asked, with a smug quirk of my right eyebrow, while the others watched somewhat expectantly. "My guy, if there was a nickname competition, I could and I would win".

As a matter of fact.

"Odi egwu. You that said you'll call Maina, Mai-Mai" he said again with a laugh, causing the others to laugh too and I shot him a glare, while Maina came to pat my back in a display of mock sympathy. I couldn't help it, I laughed a little too. The boys were foolish, it was as simple as that. Myself included.

"Where's Larisa by the way?" Maina asked, making my head jerk up instantly. I hadn't noticed that she wasn't here, I thought she was just rather quiet for reasons best known to us both. Suddenly, murmurs erupted from within us, as everyone tried to figure out where she could be.

"I'm not surprised she's not here" Dindu shrugged. "Haven't you guys noticed how strange she's been acting since morning?"

I tried as much as I could not to smirk, while the others kept airing their thoughts.

"It's not even just this morning oh, guy. Since yesterday. I even thought I was the one overthinking it sef " Ziora added, staring straight at Dindu.

Honestly, to think of it, I couldn't come up with a good reason why she wasn't here right now, considering how fond of Willow she seemed. Then again though, I didn't care, as long as nothing she was doing at the moment had an adverse effect on me or my intentions.

"I feel as if she might be in trouble sha," Zaynab pitched in. "Very early this morning, she was rushing out all dressed to where I don't know. Even when I greeted her, she seemed away from the planet". It was safe to say that Zaynab looked very different than usual. Of course, it was no surprise these days to see a non-Hijabi Muslim, but for the fact that this change happened suddenly, overnight, even when she seemed uncomfortable with it, it surprised me really. The not-so-subtle exposure of her thighs and cleavage, her hair uncovered, the fact that she kept deliberating whether to slide her dress down or upwards whenever Maina looked her way was — no, that was it.


I chuckled a little, making everyone stare at me. Furrowing my brows, I stared back at them, unflinching. Somebody cannot laugh in peace again?

"Larisa can take care of herself" I spoke to dismiss the topic, earning a weird look from Maia in the process, then I turned to Willow.

"I have something for you" I smiled a bit, holding up the paper bag. "I don't know whether to give you now or later, though. But, if you don't mind, maybe later we could er.. hang out?"

Before I could even finish speaking, the boys were around me, hyping and teasing for "asking Willow out". It was weird, honestly, when I thought about it. I hadn't done that in a very long time, and I didn't know why I did it today, but I didn't care. It'd been done already.

It wasn't like it was a date or anything, I just wanted to get to know her beyond "Willow".

"Uhm.." Willow paused, looking from me to Maia. "Just you and me?"

I shrugged. "Just a hang out"

"Okay" she nodded with a little smile after what seemed like a while of careful deliberation and I smiled too. "Nothing more?" She asked, I shook my head in response.

I took my right hand up in a pledging gesture with a smile on my face. "Nothing more, Willow".

At least, not for now.

What is this big head up to now???😔 Thoughts, anybody?

Where do you think Larisa is? Let's hope she's okay oh because it's looking like kasala is about to burst.

So my baby has a date?😏🥺 The young shall grow oh😩❤️❤️

Please y'all should beg Maia, Larisa and Zaynab not to get themselves into trouble 😂 biko🤲🏼

✨Bye guys✨

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