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The song on the top is the song for this chapter and what Iris was playing as well. Start playing it when she moves from the door toward the piano in the Dance Room.🌚

Or not, it's all your choice. Depends on how fast you read too.


I swear it will get easier
Remember that with every piece of ya.


It was already evening by the time I felt I was calm enough to leave my dormitory room to face anyone, talk more of speak to them. The events at lunch were still very fresh in my memory and to say I was shocked would be an understatement.

On top of that, I was hungry. I regretted not eating my lunch. I kicked myself off my single bed and headed towards the tuck shop, hoping to buy snacks and praying to God I didn't see Maia Mohammed, because Heaven knows, I couldn't have held myself back. That stunt she pulled during lunch was extreme and uncalled for, and generally just 'what the heck?'

As usual, campers were scattered all over the premises, just hanging out. Some were playing, others discussing, while there were some taking pictures and making TikToks. I smiled wistfully, wondering whether our gang was even meant to be in the first place. We'd had one issue after the other in the past five days, and sincerely, it was tiring, considering I'd come here to kick back, not sign up for WWE. Maybe this was for the best, we should go our separate ways and remain individual friends.

After getting a meal of Sausage Roll and Caprisonne, I walked towards the Art Building, hoping to be able to access the dance room. As expected, the building was in its usually quiet state, safe for some workers in the reception fixing the lighting. I raised a greeting to them as I made my way to the flight of stairs, heading towards the first floor of the building where the gallery, pottery and photography rooms were located, all on either side of the long hallway that led to my destination.

On reaching the entrance to the hallway, I noticed the lights on in the dance room, although the curtains which covered the large screen doors and walls were drawn. I assumed it was just some workers like the ones I'd seen downstairs, so I made my way towards the door, pulling it open and stepping in without a second thought.

I was greeted with the soft melody of a familiar-sounding song from the stereo at the corner of the room on entry. I turned my head towards the back of the room where the Mini Grand was located, and there he was.

Maina Mohammed.

Seated on the piano, staring right at me with a blank, unbothered expression. I took two steps forward in his direction, then stopped, staring at him cautiously.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, embarrassed at my initial assumption that he'd (perhaps) followed me here, even though I was the one who met him here.

"I could ask the same." His tone was blank. He got off the piano stool, turned off the stereo and walked in my direction, looking straight at me. I sensed he was about to leave the room and remembered he'd been avoiding me the whole day. That, plus the display during lunch ticked me off again, so when he was finally in front of me, I blocked the door. He quirked an eyebrow as if to ask what I was doing, and I resisted the urge to hiss.

"What was that during lunch, Maina?" I asked pointedly, folding my arms.

"What was what during lunch?" he countered, staring at me like I'd asked the most incredulous question he'd ever heard.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬Where stories live. Discover now