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  Twirling my phone in my hand once more, I glanced up as Zaynab and Maina joined us at the table, laughing. It was 10:37AM, meaning that we had less than thirty minutes to finish up with breakfast, return our plates and just hang around before workshop, and in all honesty, I couldn't wait to get off this table. To make matters worse for me, we'd all just picked up our breakfast, due to Chimdindu's insistence on us "doing things together".

The boy ehn.

On a normal day, I'd have laughed. Not today, though. Not today.

There was a very unsettling feeling in the deep of my gut, which I'd had since I saw her with Evan yesterday. As much as I wanted to convince myself she'd told him nothing about what she saw, and caught on camera as a matter of fact, there was something that just told me that Evan knew.

Guilty conscience?

I noticed how Maia shifted her seat slightly away from her brother's as he sat down while Dindu led the breakfast prayers, to which everyone except Zaynab and Evan echoed "Amen". I stared at the boy, wondering and trying the best to figure out if he knew anything about me based on his demeanour.

Seeming to have felt someone staring at him, Evan raised his head slowly, strangely making my heart skip a beat. Immediately, I turned away, not daring to have him look me in the eye.

"God forbid," I muttered under my breath at the near chance of Evan gazing into my eyes and soul, finding me guilty, and tearing me apart with judgement. I won't be surprised if he told the rest as well. I was no different from the boy I'd slapped.

And to think you're a pastor's daughter.

"Hah!" Ziora's voice caught our attention instantly, robbing me of the chance to reply that thought in my head. All heads were turned in her direction yet, the girl who had ceased all conversation on the table said nothing to us as her eyes remained on the screen of her phone.

Ah ah.

It was obvious she wasn't typing anything, I only wondered what she'd seen or watched that made her exclaim like that, then act like nothing had happened. I wanted her to speak, desperately and urgently, at least to say something that'd rid me of the thoughts that were beginning to sleep back into my mind, and temporarily distract me from my impending doom.

"Iris," Maina's voice called out to her, making me turn to look at the boy. His voice was completely laced with the tone of admiration and whatnot, it almost seemed as though he meant to lull her to sleep. The sound of his voice as he said her name could've been described as "sultry" , but then it was too soft and gentle to be sexy. I smirked, looking at his eyes which were fixed on the black model.

It was all too obvious, Maina was whipped.

"What happened? You yelled" Zaynab snapped rather aggressively, breaking the chemistry packed eye lock occuring between Maina and Iris, and making either party look at her.

Ah. What's her own??

Of course, I wasn't the only one taken aback by her unnecessary intervention and rudeness towards Iris, a girl who was at least two years older than her. I was about to speak and scold that spirit out of her when Maina beat me to it.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें