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I finally got some inspiration Soo I penned this down, hopefully I did justice to this chapter how I intended, idk, y'all be the judge.


    Beep. Beep. Beep.

Darkness. Pressure. Light. Beep. More darkness.

Where am I?

Why can't I open my eyes?

Moving my left hand around, I tried to make sense of the unfamiliar environment in which I seemed to be, retracting my hand the moment it came in contact with a cold rod-like structure.

Rod-like keh? Am I in jail??

"Willow?" An unfamiliar voice called out to me, and on cue, my eyes flicked open. Squinting to regulate the entry of light into my eyes, the first thing I beheld was white. A plain white ceiling with multiple panel lights, most of which were switched off. Deep down, I already knew where I was, but I wanted to see for myself, confirm it.

Is this the afterlife?

Hellfire, perhaps?

Turning my head to the left, I recognized the machines next to me all too well, and that was completely when it dawned on me that I was in the hospital.

Why? For something as simple as stabbing myself?

"Willow?" The unfamiliar voice called out again, and I turned my head in its direction, only to see a drip connected to my right hand, and then, a nurse. She walked towards me, calling out my name again, and I stared at her. Her attire was blue, a dress and one of those nurses' caps. Her name tag was bold on her right breast, pinned right above the pocket, reading Nurse Ifeoma.

"You're awake!" Her voice rose slightly in surprise, while I just stared at her. Why did she seem so surprised I was awake? Was a simple cut going to kill me?? No. "I.. I-let me call the doctor"

It didn't take her a second before she dashed out of the room, and reappeared with a doctor who rushed over to me, making me sit up so he could take my heartbeat and all those doctor stuff. He helped me take off the oxygen mask on my face, staring at me in what I assumed to be amazement.

"Good morning," the dark skinned man beamed at me.

Morning keh?

Reflectively, my eyes quickly darted over to the wall clock hanging right opposite my bed, showing 6:07AM, Wednesday.


"Good morning" I whispered, my voice coming out so hoarse as a result of not having spoken for almost twenty four hours.

"How are you feeling?" The man who was now seated next to the bed asked, a smile on his face. I stared at him, unable to put the exact way I felt into words. His smile didn't falter one bit, even while I stared at him, he just kept that reassuring smile that everything was okay on his face.

Everything was okay?

"Who brought me here?" I was genuinely curious, and although my subconscious, or maybe the Spirit of God already told me the answer, I wanted to hear it from his mouth, to be sure.

𝐈𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬Where stories live. Discover now