A Little Bit Too Much

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Roni was saying a lot of things, and I couldn't seem to understand any word she's saying. Like I'm trying to make a save, but every word I said  is making me sink much deeper. Then I stopped listening to her words, and listen to what her eyes were saying.

She's hurt... I've hurt her big time.
And I refuse to acknowledge the reasons she's giving me.

"I guess we're really never meant to be each other's first dance."

I was still trying to process her words... finding ways to make her understand the things I said or did, when out of nowhere, she dropped this.

I looked at her, dumbfounded. Then, she took a step back, and before she turned around and leave, she glanced behind me. She put her gaze down, shook her head, then walked away.

I have my feet geared to run towards her, when I felt someone held at my shirt.

"B", she said, smiling at me.

"Bea, not now", and when I held her hand about to let her go, she looked at me, then everything happens too fast.

I looked at Roni who turned her head looking at us, I was holding Bea's hands, then Bea's hold on me loosened, then she's no longer looking at me, her eyes shut, and slowly she's falling down, lucky I was able to hold her by her waist.

"B", I said, tapping her cheeks, then I remember the other woman, whose smiling at me, like she's proud of the choice I made, but her eyes were sad.

I was holding this woman unconscious, while I'm consciously losing my hold to that woman whose steps are slowly making our distance too wide.


It was 7pm, and we're gathered at the presidential suite where Al and Lindsay are staying. The reception has ended about an hour ago, when the rain suddenly fall.

Some of the guests have retired to their rooms. It's been raining really heavily outside and I've been guarding Roni, checking on her every now and then. SCTEX is not passable- if not, Roni would most probably be out of here three hours ago. I know... I read her message in the GC, which she deleted the moment she realized that I was also there.

She disappeared after the talk; luckily Jaz was able to convince her to come out and join us now. I didn't know where they stayed. They're definitely not in the suite. I haven't passed to her the key yet.  I've been looking for them but Jaz assured me that they were fine.

She was seated on the lone sofa while Lana is on her lap. Her hair is now on a messy bun, while she's braiding Little Lana's hair. She was chatting with Jaz, who's seated on the floor, playing with Lana; and Fran, who's seated on one of the arms of the chair.

"Roni, SCTEX is still not passable. The traffic might take five hours according to news", I heard Liam said, while checking his phone.

My eyes immediately landed to that woman. Stubborn, indeed. She can't wait until tomorrow to leave me behind.

"But if you'd rather go home now, I'll bring you and Lana. Five hours should not be that bad, especially it's night time", Rye said, walking towards her, messing with her messy bun.

"Rye!", she said, hitting his arm, then I saw her looked back at him, as if thinking, and before she could answer, I said, "It's raining. She can't travel with that heavy rain, considering the thunder and lightning"

I felt her gaze at me, but she just smiled and said, "Yeah... no need. What's a few hours of waiting. Nothing would change anyway.", she said, ignoring what I just said.

I took a gulp from my second bottle of beer, my eyes not leaving hers.


Ten minutes have passed, I was still standing by the door, my eyes on that woman, when Eric bumped my shoulder.

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