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I stopped at the stairs going to the parking area. I clicked my car key to open the doors, and when the light of the car signalled that it is open, I heard someone beside me said, "Saan ka pupunta? Magda-drive ka?"

I saw someone stepped out of the building. I was waiting for Liam to leave... then I was not sure what to do next. There are too many things running in my head, and I needed space to think things through. I cannot think clearly when she's around, and I'm scared that she'll mistaken my silence for something else.

I was at the parking lot, a can of beer on hand. I was looking at this piece of metal she called car, and was having a random talk with it- it really offends me.

Why is it difficult to process that I'm here to stay?

I was kicking her tires when I saw a figure walking out of the building.

The girl looked lost. She's looking left and right, as if trying to find something or someone. I saw her glanced at the glass door, then she stilled. I was not sure what she saw there, but her shoulders were moving up and down... like she's crying... sobbing, and she's biting her lower lips trying to control her sobs. There's something in her figure that drew me to her; like I want to wipe her tears and protect her from whatever it is that she's crying about.

But no...that can't be.
The girl upstairs would skin me alive if she found out that my interest was caught by a random stranger....

Random stranger... we have move past my almost marriage, but it seems that an innocent exchange on road direction with random strangers would end whatever it is we're trying to keep- that and a half dozen other issues, including this piece of metal beside me.

I was lost in my silent monologue, when I saw Liam walked out and went to his car.

That was fast.

I was about to go and find Roni, when I suddenly remember the girl in front of the glass door.

When she took a step forward, and the moonlight shone on her face, I was surprised to see who "that girl who looked lost" is.

I was watching her from afar... I saw her trying to make a call. My phone was not ringing, so it's not me she's calling.

Was she trying to call Liam? But Liam walked after her.

I looked at the girl again, and tried to find my phone.

Was she trying to call me?

And before I could get my phone, I heard her car beep, and the light turned on, indicating that the doors have just been unlocked.

"Saan ka pupunta? Magda-drive ka?", I asked, confused, hurt- thinking that she's running after someone and not after me.

"Borj!", she screamed my name, suprised. Then she ran and hugged me tightly. "I was trying.... call... not picking.... I hmm... scared.... I.... for you...."

Her sob hasn't subsided, and I couldn't understand a word she's saying.

I held her face and looked at her closely... she looked at me, trying to control her sobs. She was staring at me for five, ten seconds like she's trying to find something in my eyes.

I was looking at her, wondering what it is that made her cry like this.
Why can't you run after me, Roni?
Why don't you come to me?

And when it seems that she couldn't find what she's looking for, she smiled weakly, and wiped her eyes like a kid. She closed her eyes then covered her face, like she wanted to hide from me. I felt her hold to me loosened, then she took a step back.

Ever After (End Game Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now