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We arrived at the venue an hour before the wedding started. Liam was carrying Lana and introducing her to all the aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas.

Tita Carol immediately went to hug Lana and took her from Liam. "Hijo, I want to kiss my grand baby. Alana, don't you miss Mama La?", she said hugging my Lana real tight.

"I miss you, Mama La", she said, hugging her back. "Why are you crying, Mama La? Lana is here. Stop crying", she said, kissing the elder on the cheeks. My sweet baby!

"Ma, stop crying. You're making Little Lana worried", Liam said, taking Lana from her.

"Pa-hug ulit si Mama La, baby. One last hug"

"Even if hundred more hugs, Mama La"

Then Tita Carol came to me and hugged me. "Thank you, hija, for agreeing to bring her here today"

"Of course, Tita. Lana is part of your family po"

"And so are you, Roni. We miss you"

I smiled and hugged her tight. Their family has been nothing but good to me and Lana.

"Sige na, hijo. Bring her around so she can bless to all the Lolo's and Lola's"

Liam carried her to me, then asked, "Would you want to join us? You don't need to say anything. They missed you, Roni. You've been part of this family". He extended his hand, asking me to take it.

I smiled when I remembered that Liam is right. Lance may not be around anymore, but their family has been my family. I took his hand and stood beside him.

We were smiling, laughing at almost everyone, remembering all our fond memories together. All random stories with Lance which now bring joy to our hearts whenever we reminisced, instead of the tears that we had before. I was holding Liam's hand when I felt a strange feeling, like someone has been staring at us for a long time. I looked around, but couldn't confirm this feeling, as there are a lot of people in the venue.

"Lindsay has been very hands-on, like everything has been planned to the dot"

"I didn't expect anything less from Lindsay", I said, grinning. Lindsay is Liam and Lance's first cousin, a year younger than Lance and I. We seldom see each other, but we get along well.

"She'll be happy to know that you're here"

"I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle"

"She said there's a surprise later. Something like she's trying to play Cupid for a friend she hasn't seen for long"

"Haha! I'm not sure whether I would be surprised or scared"

"And I wonder who the said friend is"

I was smiling, shaking my head, curious as who would be the next lucky one to walk down the aisle. I absentmindedly touched my necklace, then I was surprised when I saw someone familiar walking towards me.

"Ms. Roni", Jaz said, Blue in tow.

"What are you two doing here?", I asked, wondering why they came too early to pick us up.

I excused myself when I noticed that everyone's eyes were on us. "It's been nice seeing you po. If I may be excused, please", and before I took a step away, Lana looked at me, asking me to take her as well.

I smiled, then took her from Liam. "Will you be ok? I can carry her?", Liam asked, probably worried that it would rumple my clothes.

"I'm gonna be fine, Liam. Mama duty", I said, then kissed him on the cheeks, thanking him.

Ever After (End Game Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now