Sink or Swim

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"No, Borj... that's my point of view. And I have enough of your past today... we can discuss Bea some other time, unless you want to continue talking about her- who am I to stop you!"

I was surprised of the sudden outburst. I didn't know I still have that pain hidden deep inside of me. Everything started to come back, like they were all happening just in front of my eyes. That first time I realised that he didn't choose me, and he chose someone else. That time I learned he actually liked someone, before he even took a notice of me. That night of the Senior Prom suddenly came back and I can clearly recall his smile, and his stares at her. I was sitting beside him, but he never threw a glance my way.

I remember Jun told me about their talk sa library. I pretended that it didn't affect me. Then I found myself at the salon, cutting my hair short- a deliberate attempt to deviate from his ideal. At least I have a lame excuse why he didn't choose me that time. He likes girls with long hair, and Ronaliza suddenly has a short lock- plain and simple. It has nothing to do with me choosing Basty... and him finally moving on.

I didn't realize I was breathing heavily... that I was staring at that guy who broke my heart without him knowing it at that time, and that I have tears in my eyes. Everyone was silent, and I did the only way I knew how to handle this situation. I excused myself and ran.

I was surprised of her outburst... her pain is too deep, I didn't know I cut her that much. I wasn't even aware that she was paying attention.

I was shocked, and not moving - a lot of things were replaying in my head- that time sa Prom when she was wearing pink, I didn't even notice that Bea was wearing the same thing. I noticed her hair right away, like taunting me that she's no longer someone I like- as if my feelings for her is dictated by her hair. I was lost in my thought until Fran tap me on my shoulder and said, "you have to run after her"

It was only then I seem to wake up and ran to where I last saw her.

I was waiting for her outside of the Ladies' Room, pacing back and forth, her words still echoing in my head.

I didn't notice that the door opened and that she was standing a foot away from me, watching how I tried to cover this distance a couple of times.

I felt her tap my shoulder, then looked at me as if wondering what had suddenly pulled me deep into my thoughts.

I looked at her, and my foot was paused mid-step, somehow registering that I need to stop pacing, even before my brain has given the instruction.

I held her face, and watched how her eyes followed my stare, as if daring me to verbalize what I'm seeing in her.

I had my face stripped of emotion, because if I'm not sure what's running inside her head before, I definitely am questioning the little things I thought I knew about her.

I didn't say a word, because I was waiting for her to open up. She's probably doing the same thing, because I see her smiled and held my hand, removing it from my hold to hers.

"I'm sorry for the outburst. That's uncalled for"

Still, I didn't say a word, and just continued staring at her.

She nodded her head, somehow knowing that I was waiting for her... but she doesn't feel like talking this time. She took a deep breath, then break our stares, and looked at the bar. She's opening and closing her hands, like she's contemplating what to do next.

Don't run....
I silently pleaded.

She returned her stare to me, then smiled weakly and said, "I needed a break..."

I immediately held her arm, and shook my head- that won't happen today.

She looked at my hold to her arm and smiled, but her eyes were sad.

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