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It's now 9am.
I have just finished all meetings and project reviews. There's nothing really critical to be discussed; the board just wanted me to sit-in and give my thoughts.
I feel quite exhausted. Wala pang tulog si Benjamin! My bed is calling me, then I saw a plate on my dining table-

~Eat your breakfast before you sleep.
I love you, Love!~

I found myself smiling.
And just like that- parang hindi na ako inaantok.

I took the plate and brought it to my neighbour next door.

I was at their door when I saw the two people I love the most in their living room. Little Lana is sitting beside her Mama, while Roni is braiding her hair.

"Mama, do I look like Princess Rapunzel already?", she asked, her eyes bright.

"Almost... give Mama a couple more minutes, and you'll definitely be much prettier than Rapunzel"?, I heard her said, flower clips between her lips, then hair ties in her fingers.

"Good morning, Princesses", I said, as I enter their house.

"Good morning, Stranger! Why are you late? We already finished breakfast.", she said, without pause.

"Lana!", I heard Roni scolding her.

"Why Mama? I was just asking Stranger where he's been. I missed you during breakfast today", she innocently said, looking at me.

I smiled, and parang kinurot ng konti yung puso ko. I saw Roni looked back at me, concerned when she didn't hear a reply, then she smiled probably when she realized what has just happened.

"I missed you too, Little Lana", I said, bee-lining to them, kissing Lana on her head, then gave Mama a quick one on the lips.

It just sunk in that ever since I came back, I'm almost always here in every waking moment of that kid, that she's probably wondering why I'm here only now.

"Sorry, Doll. Stranger has work today. Do you want to eat again with me? I have mushroom omelette here on my plate. I can share some with you", I asked her while walking to the dining, getting another plate.

"Can you wait? Mama said couple minutes? She's making me much prettier than Princess Rapunzel"

"Oh... that's why I almost didn't recognize you just now. I thought I entered a different kingdom", I said smiling, looking back at her.

I thought we were already friends, but the kid just squinted her eyes, looked at me and then looked at her Mama and said, "Mama, Stranger is lying. What do we do when people lie?"

Roni looked at me, tried to hide her laughter but kept her mouth shut.

"You're all set, Princess! Go and eat with Stranger if you would want to", then I saw Mama stand up then arranged the throw pillows.

When she came within arms length, I pulled her to me, and hugged her to my side. "Good morning, Baby!", I said, kissing the side of her head.

"Good morning, Love!", she answered, returning my hug, then she went to the kitchen and while her back is to us, she asked, "Baby, you want milk?"

"Yes, Mama" / "Hot Chocolate"

Lana and I looked at each other, then Roni turned around and looked at me, grinning.

"Why did you answer, Stranger? Mama is talking to me. Are you her Baby?"

"Sorry... I forgot, I'm not Mama's Baby. I'm Mama's love", I said, while looking at this Little Version from the corner of my eyes.

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