Chapter Forty Seven

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    When school started up, me and the girls decided we wanted to go to the mall and we figured it could be a good learning experience. Besides, AJ and Kylo were training as usual. It was Saturday so, we were safe for now.

    I had Tiegen pick me up and we jammed out to some acapella group in the car. Chloe couldn't make it and Sky's brother was dropping her off. I haven't met any of her family yet and was kind of freaked out by the thought. Like, I have no idea how a normal family works considering everything so, I prayed they liked me enough. We were all going to Sky's after for dinner. Would I be texting AJ the entire time? Absolutely. He was good at calming me down.

    I was wearing my flare jeans and a hoodie I had bought a while back. It was a hoodie from a book I liked and I thank all the artists who have some type of creative ability. I have none.

    We continued to drive and once we got there, we got out and would just walk inside. I hid my hands in my pocket and fiddled with my thumbs because I was nervous. More than usual.

    "I change my mind."

    Tiegen looked at me. "What do you mean? Are you okay?"

    "I think I just want to go home." Something felt off. I think it was just because I had never well, had parents in so long and I don't know how to please them or make them happy. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. What if I said the wrong thing? What if I did the wrong thing? There was so much that could go wrong and Sky wouldn't like me anymore. Then these girls wouldn't like me because Sky can no longer hang with me and then I'll  be all alone just like I once was.

    I was so scared.

    Tiegen then grabbed my hands gently by hers and gave me a soft smile. "You'll do great. They're nice and they won't hurt you. I don't know your situation fully because you haven't told us and that's okay. You'll open up when you're ready but, they are nice people and have been wanting to meet you for a long time. Sky never stops talking about you. So, you will be okay. She'll review the ground rules and everything will be good, okay?"

    Reassurance. Something I have ever only experienced with them and AJ. I noticed it was something I needed constantly. I should probably get some help for it, honestly.

    I nodded. "Okay, thank you." She then smiles and hugs me. I hesitate before hugging her back. She was so warm and so beautiful. I pray whoever dates her will realize that.

    We then head inside and we all do a group hug with Skylar. We were laughing and smiling as we then let go.

    "Wait Mia this is my brother Jason." He and Sky had the same fucking face it was so creepy. He dabs me up and I follow along. "Nice to meet you. Anyway, I'm going to the record store. Call me when you're ready." He then walked away and we all went our separate ways.

    Me, Tiegen, and Skylar all smiled softly as we ran into stores to look around and try things on. I then smile softly as we all go and get matching pajamas. We got ones with roses on them and each a different top. Skylar insisted on being one to wear shorts but, I still have cuts on my thighs. Well, not fresh ones but that isn't something I want her family to see and think about.

    I grabbed a black tank top to match and a claw clip.

    We then call Jason and we all head back to her house.

    My leg couldn't stop bouncing up and down in the car. I was so fucking nervous and Tiegen notices as she places her hand on my knee, rubbing her thumb along it. I sort of calmed down.

    When we got there, it was a cute house out in the middle of nowhere. It had a forest behind it and I thought that was pretty cool. It must be nice. Their house was white and had a huge backyard with only five neighbors on their street. It was oddly calming.

    We then go inside and I look at Sky. "Where would you like me to place my stuff?"

    "We're gonna go put it in our bedroom and then we can change, make dinner, watch something, and then we can take you home."

    I nodded. "Sounds good to me." I follow her upstairs and then go and change in her bathroom. I smile softly and we all decide to take pictures before going downstairs. In their kitchen was their mom.

    I smile and wave as Sky introduces me.

    "Oh my gosh, it is so good to see you in person. You're so much prettier than the pictures." She hugs me and I smile and hug her back. She had this motherly energy to her that I so badly craved. I swear I almost broke down into tears when she hugged me back.

    "Hi, it's very nice to meet you in person as well Alexandra."

"Oh sweetheart, you can just call me Alex." We then pull away. "Are you okay with dogs?" I nod. "I never had any bad experiences with them," I say and smile. "Okay, great. We do have three full-grown Akita's in this household so, I just want to make sure. They don't bite anyone and they're super friendly."

    She then let them in through the back door and they come rushing in. They were huge.

    One jumped on top of me and I fell back up against the couch. I laugh as he licks my face. "That one is Jason's dog. He must like you. His name is Hades." I smile and pet him. "Hi Hades, I'm Mia." I kiss his snout before I walk over to the girls. Hades followed behind me and I laughed.

    The entire time we jammed out to kitchen karaoke is what Sky's family calls it and we made carne asada fries. They were good as fuck and I almost cut my stomach because I dropped the knife and tried to catch it but, did indeed fail. It was hilarious though.

    Once we finished eating, Alex did the cleaning and refused any help whatsoever. She said, "If you guys cook, you don't even think about cleaning."

    It was really sweet.

    We then turned on a movie and Jason came and sat on the couch to watch Hercules with us.  It was pretty good.

    However, I was texting AJ the entire time until I fell asleep.

    Then there was a loud knock at the door but, I was still asleep. I felt someone touch my arm and I shifted. When I looked up, I saw AJ. "Hi, angel."

    "AJ what are you doing here?" I mumbled.

    "You stopped texting and it's three in the morning. You were supposed to be home seven hours ago baby. We thought something happened. However, you're okay. Go back to sleep."

    Sky then brought down my stuff and AJ thanked her before she disappeared upstairs. He threw my bag over his shoulder and put a hoodie on me. "It's cold out so you'll need that, okay?" I nodded before he picked me up and took me out into Ace's car. "Mia what the fu-"

    "Shut up, she's sleeping!" He whispered before kissing my forehead, thinking I was sleeping.

    "Did they hurt her?"

    "No, she just fell asleep. She wasn't drugged or anything. She's perfectly okay. Just a deep sleeper."

    I then felt Ace's eyes on me as we drove home.

    I stayed in AJ's arms the entire time and held him close to the same amount of closeness he held me at.

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