Chapter Twenty

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I woke up to the lovely sound of cabinets slamming at the ass crack of dawn. Seriously. It was five thrirty in the fucking morning but after falling asleep the second time, I didn't dream.

It was nice.
I forgot everything and was at some form of peace. Jaeden was holding onto me tightly, his nose nuzzled into the back of my neck.

I blushed before standing up and seeing what the hell was going on that required to be that loud so early. Don't get me wrong, I was up pretty early and usually wouldn't be complaining but, it was such a peaceful night after we both had fallen asleep.

So, I strutted out of the bedroom and turned the corner to see the kitchen. I was just standing there as I watched Miles stop mid-eating an apple.

Tony then slowly turned over to face me. "Sup." I said. "I'm Mia." I tried my best not to be awkward but, I think they caught on.

"Hey Mia, I'm Tony." He leaned against the refrigerator. I nodded. "Nice to meet you." I said. "Likewise."

Miles looked at me. "You don't have any boobs." and just like that, he walked out of the kitchen into his bedroom.

Tony let out a breathy laugh. "Sorry about that. Miles is just one of those with no filter."  I shrugged. "I've heard worse." Tony chuckled. "I'm sure you have. If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"

I looked over at him "Well you see, it's a really long story." I said before being interrupted by Jaeden.

"That she won't be getting into." I scowled at him. "And if I want to get into it?" I challenged the six-foot-three male to a challenge.

"By all means, go for it. But I told you to stay in the bedroom. It's not safe for you here. One of Miles's clients could have been here. Than what?" I looked a thim. "Then I guess I  die, whoops."

I roll my eyes and storm back into the bedroom. I heard Tony laugh. Glad to know someone gets my humor around here.

I would wait patiently in the bedroom and scroll on my phone. I would have just licked my bottom lip as I sat there, legs crossed and underneath myself.

I was pissed off.

After hearing some arguing, Jaeden stormed back in. I didn't look up from the book I was reading as he started talking. "Mia... you can't do that shit." "Why the hell not?" I said standing up. "Is it because I'm a women?" He looked at me. "That's exactly why."

He then grabbed me by my wrists and pinned me to his dresser. He backed up slowly and tucked a strand of my hair back.

"If I handed you over to the boys, they would have a field day with a tempting body like that." He caressed my thigh. "They would kiss you here" He kissed my temple. "Jaeden, what are you doing?"

There was concern in my voice however, I didn't fight it though. I wanted this. I have for a long time.  "And here." He kissed my lips deeply before whispering against my lips "And every square inch of your fucking body. They will want your virginity because they crave that." I just looked up at him, feeling his breath on mine.

"Now put some fucking shorts on and get your ass in the car." He pushed away.

I gripped onto the desk and let in a breath. "Right." It took me a minute to realize what the fuck just happened and I knew exactly what had happened. Jaeden kissed me. It took a minute to process but it definitely happened. 

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