Chapter Thirty Six

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    As we drove to the house party, I sat there in silence. I didn't know what to say or do but it definitely would not hype up what the fuck I just witnessed. I wish I could forget about it. The guy looked evil but, that didn't mean he needed to die. If he was evil, what does that make Jaeden and the rest of them? Maybe I should talk to him about how the hell I'm feeling. I don't know though. It sounds stupid.

    So, I stay silent.

    I play with the hem of my dress as I feel his eyes on me. Was he trying to read me? I sure as hope not. I have had one hell of a day and wasn't in the mood for this. I just licked my bottom lip and stayed quiet. I tend to do that and completely space out to the point.
    That's how it has always been when my uncle was touching on me.

    I remember it happening but not the knitty-gritty details because all I saw and felt were colors. Right now, that was how I was feeling. I usually read about it in books but until you have that trauma, you wouldn't understand. You wouldn't understand what it was like to feel a mixture of blue and red as you feel him lay ontop of you after kissing his daughter goodnight. There's no way. Feeling and remembering it sends chills down my spine.

    Most people just see red sometimes,

I saw every color possible.

    If I could describe what I just saw, it'd be deep blue. It was cold and soulless. Just like the man in the ring.

    Then, Jaeden interrupted my thoughts.

    "You good over there babygirl?"

    I looked at him and nodded. "I'm fine." He laughed. A laugh I loved.

    "You sure as hell don't look fine. Look, I thought you were ready for that because of your trauma. Wouldn't you be?"

    I looked at him and stared straight into his dead and cold eyes. "Are you actually fucking serious?" I asked. He couldn't be. I laughed. "Yeah, right. I'm just being dramatic. Fucker deserved every inch of it." He smirked and ruffled my hair. "There she is."

    "How was my acting skills?" I smile. I was lying my ass off right now but, he doesn't seem as intelligent as Tony did. "Did I genuinely look sad? Don't worry, I wasz just acting. I wish I was like you Jaeden."

    "You're your own person, Mia. But you're more like me than you know. Especially with that fucked up humor of yours. It's good to see a chick with it." Fuck, I was doing exactly what Tony was saying. Trying to get his praise and his validation.

    "Well, I'm glad somebody appreciates it." If I could change myself, I would. More than you would ever know Jayes.

    "Most people get freaked out but as long as you like it, I'm happy."

    "Anyone normal would." He looked me in the eyes.

"I'm not fucking normal."

    I laughed. "Are we the next Bonnie and Clyde." He nodded and licked his bottom lip. "Yeah, something like that." I smiled. "Good, I'm glad to hear it." I would then smirk and get out before following him in. He threw me his football jersey.

    "What the fuck is this for?" Why was he giving me a football jersey. "That way you don't look to formal. Put it on for me?" I nodded. "Not a problem." I stripped of the dress while he walked inside. I pulled my hair up into a bun. Better then what it once was.

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