Chapter Twenty Seven

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I watched as she continued on sleeping. Not in a weird way, I had just came back from the gym. I sigh before I go and start a shower. I strip of my gym clothes and get in. What was I going to do with her?
I didn't know but, I felt bad. I finally figured it out after some thinking. I want to take her to dinner and then to a party. Like a little friend hangout? It'd be nice. Especially seeing her in a mini dress. Fuck, I'll even buy it for her. I just want to see it. I know I shouldn't objectify her but, I'm never denying it. Not with her.
Once I finish my shower, I made my way back into the bedroom after drying off and putting on some grey sweatpants. I lean over and whisper in her ear "Babygirl?" She lets out a slight whimper-like sound and stirred. I gently run my hands up her arms and look at her. "Hm?' She said opening eyes. "Oh, hey Jaeyes." She smiled but, it didn't meet her eyes.
"I see they gave you the house nickname." I sit down next to her. She nods and sits up. "Yeah, they did." She said and rubbed her eyes. "So, what's up? Do you need the bed? I can move just give me a sec-" "No." I cut her off. "No need. I actually wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the mall? I want to take you to your first party." She looked at me extremely concerned. "Is that a no?"
She pouted before responding. "No it's fine, I can go. It's not a problem." A smirk finds a way across my face. "Wonderful, get dressed. We're going to the mall."
She looked at me. "With what money?" She cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "So many questions. Just get dressed." I said as I threw on a hoodie and waited in the car for her. She came out in some hoodie and leggings, her hair messy but in a bun. Gave me a nice view of her neck and something to look forward too.
"So, what do people even wear to these things? I mean like, do they go like how we're dressed now or how does it work?"
I laugh. She had no idea. "No. The guys usually show up shirtless and girls are in dresses that are so short, you can see their ass." She blushed. "Wait, really?" I nod. She's so cute when she's all flushed. It was absolutely adorable. I wish I could stare at her all day.
"Yeah, most people are there for one thing and one thing only. Well, actually two things. The drugs and the sex. Especially if me and a few others are showing up." She doesn't need to know about Kylo, Aj, and Ace yet. Ace is currently in Russia dealing with some things. What? I refuse to ask because I'm not to fond of him, some would say. By that, I mean I wish he never fucking existed.
Whether that be the jealousy in me or out of pure spite because he always had what I wished I did, was unknown.
Kylo is a fucking sociopath who I would never allow around Mia unless it called for.
And Aj, is the dumbest motherfucker I have ever met. He tried to fuck one of my siblings and made me question her loyalty. Now, I compete up against him while Mia is sound asleep in my bed. He acts all innocent and nice yet, he is the worst person you will ever fucking meet. Unfortanetly, Miles raised him. So, I continue to keep my distance unless we're in the ring.
Then I can take out on my oh so pitiful anger out on the motherfucker.
He likes to say he isn't a violent person yet he does under ground fighting?
I get it, we do what we need to survive but he has nothing but bad intentions. Especially considering where he comes from.
Now I don't come from the proper middle class myself but, at least I can admit to being a whore. Doesn't change the fact he is a playboy to my knwoledge. My sister would never lie to me. Not like that. Besides,  Lindsay knows to much. To much to the point it's concerning.
However, I had bigger and prettier issues to worry about that do indeed not concern him and his own personal preferences.
I looked over to her and would then get into the car. "How about we get some dinner after this? What do you say?" I asked, smirking to see her face light up. "Okay, sure. I know a place."
"Amazing." As we drove to the mall, I kept my business to myself and listened to music. I then turned my phone on do not disturb because I don't feel like having my mood ruined. Besides, I have to work tonight. Fun.
I then would get out of the car and grab my wallet, placing it in my front pocket. I wasn't in the mood to chase some pick-pocketer. I wasn't in the mood to do a lot of things apparently. Which was fine but there were some things that did need to be taken care of. I just couldn't quite place my finger on it.
"Hey Mia," I say as I place my hand on the lower side of her back. She blushes, thinking I don't notice or if she's not used to it. Either way, a chuckle comes from out of me. "I want to take you by my job tonight. So, pick out two dresses you want. However, I need to approve of them so I know you won't get to hurt." She looks up at me. "Hurt?" Her eyes glance up at me. "I don't know if you know this but, I can take care of myself." I give her the look she is oh so used too. She tenses.
"I need to make sure you're safe, that's all babygirl. Please don't defy me." She would just swallow and nod. "Alright, fine. I haven't been to this mall before. Is there a certain designer you want me to wear?" She asks me. "We can hit a few stores. I also want to take you to get your makeup and hair done." I pick up a strand between my fingers.
"You need to trim your hair for sure though."
She nodded. "I know, I'm sorry. I just haven't gotten around to it yet."
I sigh. "It's okay. Maybe if you lose like two inches of it, it would look nice and make me really happy." I said as I place the strands of hair behind her ear. "You need more eye makeup. It'll make your eyes stand out."
"Do they not already? I mean, they're two completely different colors Jaeden." She chuckled nervously. "They do. It would just show them off more and you'll gain that confidence you have always wanted. Trust me."
She looks me in the eyes, deeply. "I trust you with my life." Good.
"Come on, let's go find your dresses." I said as I walked her into the first shop. I watch as she tries on the two dresses I picked out and the two she's chosen.

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