Chapter Eighteen

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Once we arrive at the house, I'd hop out of the car. I looked around and noticed Tony's car parked outside in front. Nothing new. Just meant that he was home and I needed to get Mia away from whatever one night stand he has here.
We didn't want to ruin that for him. I was a lot of things but a cock blocker wasn't one of them. I would look around one more time before taking Mia's hand and leading her inside.
She flinched at my touch. It shocked me but, I did what I needed to do for her. She needed to get the fuck away from my house and I would do everything I could to make it happen.
Once she was inside, I saw Tony on the couch yet again passed out.
Mia just looked at me, her full-heart lips start to part. They were pink and full and it made me question a lot of other things about her. I just shook my head and signaled for her to follow me. So, she did. I watchedher strut into the bedroom as if it was her own. She had this strut to her when she was with me. This new form of confidence that the Mia I met never had. It was good to see. It was good to see I was good for her in that sense of way. She needed me just as much as I needed her.
Once we entered my bedroom, I looked over and said "Make yourself at home. Who knows, maybe you'll be here more than you think." She gave me a nod. "Right.. Do you mind if I use your shower?" I looked at her and shook my head. "Please.. Make yourself at home. I'll be here if you need anything." She nodded. "Cool, thanks." I watched her as she shashayed her way through my room to the bathroom. Thank fuck my bathroom was attached to my bedroom otherwise, I wouldn't let her leave it. Once I heard the door shut, I would just strip of my clothes and throw it to the side. I put on a pair of black sweatpants and would just lay down and wait patiently.
I didn't sleep much and for the same reason as Mia. We both struggled with abuse. I just didn't want to close my eyes and dream of my shit-father tying me down to a bed after severely beating me. I wasn't good with tight spaces.
I just couldn't do it. There were days where that man would lock me in the shed and starve me. I learned a lot of survival hacks that way. It was a nice thought. Now, I was glad I was away.
I could give two fucks where the hell that man could be at the moment. None of my concern other than the fact we share the same blood. He's my old man and I was his son who would probably murder him a long the way if he ever stepped foot into this house ever again.
I snapped out of my head when I heard Mia call my name.
I looked up and her hair was in a messy bun and she only had a towel wrapped around her torso. "Hey um.. Do you have a shirt I can borrow?" She asked.
My eyes have seen many naked girls before but seeing Mia in that towel did something to me. It made me reconsider everything I have thought about. However, my voice remained calm and collected acted like she had no effect on me. "
I walked over to my dresser and handed her one of my shirts. "Thanks." She then went back into the bathroom and after what felt like fucking forever, she finally came back out. In my T-Shirt. I had to clamp my lips and stop myself from licking the bottom of it.
God she looked fucking amazing.
Her body was breathtaking. My eyes had to stop themselves from wandering but when she wasn't looking, I looked that was for damn sure.
She may be small but, she had a built like no other. Her hips were curved, a tiny waist, and a torso that were matching to her hips. Thick thighs but slender arms. It was just breathtaking. Now I've had my fair share but, the room stopped when Mia entered it in my shirt.

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