Chapter Six

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"She said I didn't smell bitchy but,  every fucking class period had to do with Mia. I literally had to shut her the fuck up by making out with her all day." It honestly didn't help that I couldn't get Mia out of my head. "I can't keep doing this shit with her. The sex is fucking terrible, she's constantly all over me, and her newest addition is trying to ruin Mia's life for hanging out with me. I saw her talking to half the fucking football team yesterday. You really think I don't know she's cheating on me?"
Yeah, I knew. There were videos that were shown to me. She let the majority of the varsity team run a train on her.
It was fucking disgusting to see. I seriously need to get tested after watching that video. It really did make me question my morals.
I couldn't believe it after everything me and her had been through. I wanted Ana to be a better person but she was to busy deciding on what guy to fuck when I wasn't giving her my full attention.
Honestly if I did cheat last night, I wouldn't have felt bad after everything I knew about her. She claimed I was the only guy she could ever truly love but, she only said I love you when I took her shopping.
I thought it was a phase until we were at the mall three times a week. It was ridiculous. She always needed rides too.
As if I was her own personal taxi driver. So, I finished eating and would wash my dish because my aunt raised me better then that, and went into my bedroom. I then grabbed my phone and sent the text. 'We're over. I know everything.'
I then blocked her number. I was now a single man and I had big plans.
I wanted to know Mia. In all honesty, my feelings for Ana have been gone for months on end now. Just watching that video yesterday really took the cake on that one. I couldn't believe I let it go on this long. I wasn't one to walk out on someone I loved and cared about. If you wanted to leave, go ahead I wasn't going to stop you. However, I couldn't stand that bitch. She talked to much.
I then would have gone over to Tony. I would grab the whiskey off the fridge and took a swig. "Can you do me a favor and get me Mia's number?' I asked. He just looked at me in question. "Why?"
"Because I want to get to know her." I explained to him. "Me and Ana aren't together anymore." He started to roll a joint. "Let me get high before you ask me to be your own personal detective, Jaeyse." I would have laughed.
"But I'll try my best to get it for you. I don't know how well she'll take it but, I don't think anyone at this school has her number." I just shrugged. "I'll take ten bucks off your rent if you do it now." He stopped immediately. "On it."
I just laughed.
After a good twenty minutes, he handed me a sticky note with her number. I have zero clue on how Tony did this shit but, he was extremely smart. He was taking coding at school so, he must use that brain of his sometimes. I would take it and put it in my phone. I then texted something simple.
'Hey. it's Jaeden.'
'Oh jc. Do you need another hiding spot again?'
'Not unless I'm hiding with you. ;)'
'Plz stop.'
'Yeah, mb.'
'So, what are you doing tomorrow after  school?'
'Nothing that I know of. Why?'
'Well, I was thinking of treating you to an icecream. A thanks so I'm not in your debt.'
'Haha real funny. Sure. Meet me in front of Chem???'
'Sounds like a date to me.'
'This is everything BUT a date.'
'Alright babygirl, if that's what you insist.'

No response after that. It made me smile. I would then go into my bathroom and shower. I had a busy day tomorrow.

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