Chapter Twenty One

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Somedays I am so glad I have a penis.

These females over complicate any bit of detail they humanly possibly can. Like why the hell could Mia not listen to me?

I wasn't asking for much and the only thing I cared about was the fact she was safe but even then that was to much to ask for. She needed to be better. The last thing I wanted was for her to get assaulted or even worse, raped.

I don't even want to imagine what the hell I would do to any male who hurt her. She doesn't deserve it. She's good. Annoying but in a good way.

I just wished she'd stop challenging me. It shouldn't be that difficult. Right now, she was doing just that and it was pissing me off. I've never been pissed off with her before.

So, If she wanted to walk out there and get the attention of my friends must I add, I would let her and there was nothing I could do to stop. It was her life, not mine. Right?

Fuck she was so confusing. I don't understand the whole concept of females ontop of the world. That's not how the world works and it will never be that way.

She just needed to do something other then challenge any man or fucking person who comes in her life.
She's so difficult.

I get it.

We got close and we got close fast but there is no need for this shit. I'm just trying to help her and she can't see that. There is so much that needs to be discussed and she can't admit it.

As we pulled into the school parking lot, she would get out and walk. She jusst wouldn't stop. I grab her by her wrist and pull her in by that. I look down at her. "We need to talk."

She slapped my hand away."There's nothing I have to say so it's irrelevant." She rolled her eyes at me. She fucking rolled her eyes at me and I couldn't stand it.

"What's your problem Mia? Huh? I'm trying to tell you some-" She turned to face me and said

"I'm in love with you, okay?"

The fuck did she just say?
This cannot be happening. What did I do to deserve this type of love? Mia is a great girl but, I've made it clear since the very beginning. I only want one thing.
So, I go over to her. She backs up against the hood of my car and I lean down to look at her. "You're fucking crazy women."

She then looked up at me. "I know. I know. Just let me go now." She explained to me. I lick my bottom lip and gaze into her two different eyes. They were beautiful just like she was.

"I don't want to hold you back." She told me. "You.. hold me back?" I laughed. "Never that."

However, I didn't say I love you back right away. That's just wrong. However, she wouldn't know.

She has never been told she was loved by anyone who wasn't her siblings, and that's still an if situation.

So, how would she know the rules of dating? She wouldn't.

"We should stop seeing eachother... just for right now."

She looked up at me. Her eyes willed with tears ready to pour. "I know it's stupid. I shouldn't have said anything." She said and looked down at her shoes. I then gently lift up her chin up with my thumb and her natural pout comes through.

Next thing I know, I don't feel her chin ontop of my thumb anymore and she's going to class. "Mia!" I call out. "We aren't done talking!" And just like that, she was gone.

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