Chapter Thirty Two

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"You raised your siblings with no parental guidance and no money so you have a good back bone. However, you don't let people in because you're terrified that they'll die or leave you. Giving you have heavy abandoment issues. You would rather give the clothes off your back to your youngest sister, Leah right? Then ever see the light of day.

You think you're special but you're really not. You're just another girl with a pick-me attitude. Thinking Jaeden will notice you just like everyone else at school. Did I mention your social anxiety is shit and you do care about what other people think about you?"

"You just try to play the I don't care act knowing damn well Jaeden's words have the most utter disgusting effect on you.

By the way you're really sad and lonely which is sucky but, you can't fix this if you don't let anyone in. 
You'll probably die a single, miserable, old, cat lady who never had any children because you couldn't find someone to meet your ridiculously high expectations. You don't feel worthy enough. Does that sound right?"

My eyes have gone sore from not blinking while I listen to his tangent and everything he has observed in the last few months. "This is wild. I don't like this. Can you go away now?"

"No can do, Jaeden wanted me to make sure you were okay." Jaeden can't be fucking serious. "Absolutely fucking not. I don't need a babysitter." He rolled his eyes.

"Sucks to suck because anywhere you go within this place and twenty feet outside of it, I gotta make sure you're safe. You aren't a lone wolf anymore. Quit acting that way and enjoy this." He points at the ring.

Why does he point at fucking everything?

Then, I watched two people meet in the middle. Wasn't Jaeden but I couldn't see past the hoodie he was wearing. He was taller than Jaeden too so, it couldn't be right.

The man takes off his hoodie and it's Aj in all his glory.
"Oh shit. How long were you in my head Tony?"

"I'm good at that too."


The two men circled eachother. Sweat already sliding off Aj's toned body like he had been working out previously.

It was mildly concerning. I just observed. His opponent was bigger than him but you see, Aj could get away with it because of his speed.

Just like that, the enemy swung and Aj knocked him on his ass.

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