Chapter Twenty Nine

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I look at the two males before me, still smiling. I then turn to see Jaeden's jaw clench. I gesture between the two. "How do you two know eachother?" I ask as I sip on my water. "Well you see, we work together. Will I see you tonight Jaeden?"
"Absolutely. I never back down from a job. Mia will see that tonight." He said meeting my eyes. He's furious. Why? "How do you two know eachother?"
"I come here almost every week after school. I just haven't seen Aj in a while." Aj then looked at Jaeden. "You're seriously taking her to the club? Are you out of your mind?" He looks worried. "Don't let him pressure you into something you don't want to do, Mia." He says.
"He's not. I promise." He nods. "Just stay safe." I give him a smile. "Now, I'm going to assume the usual chai tea latte with the main course being?" He looked at me. "Well, the chicken parm looks amazing, not gonna lie."
"My favorite. If only I didn't go vegan." He chuckles. "How about you man? What can I get for you?" He says meeting his eyes with a smirk on his face. "I need you to stay far the fuck away fom my friend here. That's what I need from you." I look at Jaeden.  "Aj, would you mind giving us a minute?" I ask him with a smile. "Of course, whatever the lady wants she gets. Also next time you come in, tell me about the book I recommended you last time." He then walked away.
I smiled as he left before dropping it and looking at Jaeden. Biting the inside of my cheek I say "What the hell was that?" I asked.
He also called me his friend after he had kissed me in the car. He spoiled me yet I was just a friend still. He literally said he will pay for me to keep this look up. What the hell? Does he just spoil all of his friends like this? Does he kiss his friends like this? He was so confusing. I didn't like it. I wanted a label. That was the least I deserved from the man. After everything. He also broke into my house last night so, what the fuck?
"You need to stay far away from. He's terrible for you." He said not meeting my eyes and fiddling with his thumbs. "How do you know what's good for me, Jaeden?" I ask, fisting my dress. "Trust me, I know more then you think." I chuckle. "Right. I thought so did I. Now, why don't you tell me what's really going on."
"Not here Mia."
"Why not?'
"Because the reason I like you is because you're more mature then most of the girls our age. So, I know you can be. Start acting like it."
Tears welled in my eyes however, I just sipped my water and would pray that Aj didn't see this. He might jump over the booth. Next thing I know, we had a new waiter. God, Aj was such a professional guy. Hot too. Jaeden didn't need to know that though if he wants me to stay away from him.
He took our order and the remainder of dinner was ate in silence. I then watched as he put down the bill, no tip. So, when we walked out. He thought I followed. Instead I went to find Aj and I found the other waiter. I gave Aj fifty dollars. "I know it's not much but, I want to apologize for earlier. That wasn't right. I hope this helps."
I then turn over to the other waiter and gave him twenty five, "I know that definitely isn't much either but, thank you for being kind to my friend here." I gave them both a smile before I strutted out and saw Jaeden shaking his head, fisting his hands. "Don't give me that look. I needed to clean up your mess. That's what somebody with my level of maturity would do." I then got in and pouted, facing away from my friend.
"Look Mia, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I still said nothing.
"Can you at least talk to me so I know what I did wrong?" He asked.
I gave into the decency and looked at him. "That wasn't cute. Your stunt back there. I'm not into toxic relationships. I don't believe in possesiveness like that when somebody is clearly just trying to do their job." I said crossing my  arms. "It just reminds me of home and then I get anxious." I look down. "Sorry, I'm not good with my feelings."
He tilted my head up and kissed me. Twice. "I told you I would kiss you every time you said sorry. I know babygirl, I know. I didn't mean to upset you. You're the last person I would ever want to upset. You make me so happy because I just see so much of my self in you. You understand where I'm coming from and why I'm so protective, right?"
I agree. "Yeah, I guess. Do you really mean it though?"
"Of course I do. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it."
That's true. If there's one thing I've learned from him all these months, is that he says what he means. That's what he promised me at least. He always keeps his promises too.

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