Chapter Seven

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    I would have sat down in the back of the class during math. I would just sigh and put in my earbuds, rest my head on the table, and then wait for the teacher to begin the lesson he had prepared. I just copied down the notes. I hated math because I didn't understand it in the absolute slightest. However, I could write an essay in less than ten minutes. I'd like to think that was somewhat impressive. Once we grabbed our journals, the speaker intercom called me down to the Dean's office. I rolled my eyes as I gathered my stuff. Placing my backpack over my shoulders, I heard the class chant O as if I was in trouble. I probably was considering yesterday's event with Ana. The bitch deserved it.

    As I entered the dean's office, I placed my bag down on the seat next to me. The Dean's assistant just eyed me down as if I was some sort of pest. I eyed her back. I hated people who thought they were higher than me. So, I'll fill you in. I hate almost everyone at this school. They sucked. Once the assistant called me into his office, I grabbed my bag and entered. "You wanted to see me?" I asked, looking around. I saw Ana in the seat next to me with a bruised nose bridge, a busted lip, and two black eyes. "Ah yes, Mia. Please, have a seat."

"What happened to her?" I asked pointing at her. "You happened, bitch!" The Dean just sighed. I took a seat next to her and just turned my face towards the dean. "If this is about yesterday sir but, I was in a rush and was already late." The Dean nodded. "I understand that but unfortunately, we do not tolerate any sort of physical contact nor do we promote violence." I nodded my head, pretending to give a fuck. I knew the game in which Ana was playing but little did she know, I could play just as dirty. Do I care too at this particular moment? Maybe slightly. Usually, I wouldn't get dirty because I quite frankly do not care. However, I was bored right now and wanted to see if I still had it in me. "I completely agree and would like to let you know, that it will never happen again sir. I honestly don't know what came over me. I didn't think it through and that's on me entirely. All though, I was not aware I had hit her in the eyes.  I didn't even think I had hit her in her nose that hard. Maybe a little tap."

Ana scowled and I just gave her a sympathetic look. As if I felt bad. "Is there anything" I look towards the Dean letting my concern thoroughly come through "Anything I can do to make this up? Maybe a detention or come in every morning and help you organize your office or clean?" He would have shook his head. "Unfortunately, that's not all I called you down for." I looked at him, questioning what else I'd done. I had never talked to Ana up until yesterday after the locker incident.

He cleared his throat. "Are you aware of Ana's sex tape going around?" I would have shook my head. "There's a sex tape going around? With all due respect sir, I have a life that doesn't revolve around the people I attend school with. I don't care enough to take the time out of my day to spread a sex tape, let alone do I care for Ana as a person. I don't see why I would spend my time just watching her get laid when I can get laid myself." If I wasn't afraid of STDs maybe I would be a porn star.

"Do you mind if we check your phone?" I nod. "Not at all, sir. Please, feel free." I then pull it out of my pocket and hand it over to him. He then handed it back to me so I can unlock it. Then, I handed it back over. He just shook his head. "I'm sorry Ana but, there's nothing on Mia's phone that I need to be concerned about. Mia, you're free to go back to class. I apologize for wasting your time." I just shrugged and gathered my things. "Not a problem. I hope you have a good day, sir. You as well Ana." I then would walk out, unharmed yet again. They had no video evidence of me doing anything and yet, they didn't find my hitlist on my phone. I'm just kidding but, I did keep a mental one.

I then went back to class and waited for the rest of the day to go by. It did and then the next thing I knew, I was waiting in front of chemistry. Listening to Catch Your Breath, one of my all-time favorite bands. They knew what they were doing making relatable music.

I then watched Jaeden walk down the hallway and come up to me, holding his bag. He looked down at me. "Hey." He said. I looked at him and signaled for us to get out of here. I began walking and he followed behind me.

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