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More cast

Rayla - 17 of age. Dean s her boyfriend. Best friend is Alice. LL - Jenna Ortega - girl fr tv show stuck in the middle

Dean Jones - boyfriend of Rayla. Age 17. LL - Andrew Morley ( Australian actor)

Alice Kingsley - age 17. Best friend of Rayla. LL - Cree Cicchino ( grl from tv show game shaker

Jean Walker - sister of Rayla. Teacher at Westwood academy

LL - Bree Bassinger ( grl from tv show stargirl )

Kevin smith - Doctor. Boyfriend of JEAN . LL - Austin Mahone ( u tube guy )

Mason Johnson - step cousin of Rayla. Psychologist teacher at university

LL - Jensen Ackles

Deku smith - step brother of Mason. LL - Nash Grier ( u tube guy)

Tv shows

Beauty n the beast ( 2012 - 2016)

The flash


The vampire diaries

The originals


Rayla Jones - bookworm. Sophomore high school student.

Sister is Lola. Bestfriend is Jennifer. Boyfriend is Noah.

LL - Dafne Keen ( British actress)

Lola Jones - senior high school student. Sister is Rayla

LL - Katherine McNamara

Jennifer Walker - sophomore high school student. Best friend is Rayla

LL - Lucy Hale

Noah Parker - boyfriend of Rayla. Sophomore high school student.

LL - Jasper Liu ( Taiwan actor)

Blaze Warren - boyfriend of Lola. Senior in high school.

LL - Taron Egerton ( British actor)

Kenzo Warren - twin brother ( fraternal twin) of Blaze. Sophomore high school student.

LL - Ansel Elgort

Mrs Jones - she's a lawyer. Mother of Rayla and Lola. LL - Angelina Jolie

Mr Jones - father of Rayla and Lola. He's a doctor.

LL - Kevin Mcgarry ( Hallmark actor )

Wayne smith - cousin of Rayla and Lola. Owner of Wayne's Steakhouse

LL - Andrew Walker ( Canadian actor)

Jake - the grim reaper

LL - Nick Hargrove ( he played in charmed 2018 version )

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