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"Henry Romulus Peverell-Slytherin! no running!" Hadrian called out to his grandson, Dawn had given birth to twins, a boy and girl. Fenrir's face had been comical to say the least. A little panicked at the thought of trying to raise two children when he'd had enough trouble with contemplating just one. When he'd been told his name, he'd had to stop himself laughing, Romulus, honestly, why did they insist on giving their children werewolves names then being shocked when they become werewolves? It was as if they had a precognition episode when they were born.

Little Henry froze on the spot, now while Hadrian was the main spoiler and Tom was the one more serious...when either of them raised their voices the children paid attention. Not out of fear, they were never hit or hurt in any way. However, Hadrian hade sure they listened when it was important. Especially now since Hogwarts was rather dangerous for children if they weren't watched carefully. "Sorry grampa!"

"Thank you, now hold my hand, these staircases move," Hadrian then proceeded to explain to the now seven-year-old boy. Severus (eight-years-old) was silently following Hadrian, clutching his hand as he gazed around Hogwarts in silent wonder. "What do you think, Sev? Do you like it?"

"It's pretty," Severus said, "Daddy, why are we here?" turning to face his daddy curiously, as pretty as it was, it wasn't part of their usual routine, and he was curious to know why he was here.

"This is where daddy's new job is," Hadrian explained as they walked up the stairs, Hadrian being really mindful of their little feet and the jinx steps. "I'll be working here from now on."

"Headmaster Peverell-Slytherin, there is a one Cedrella Weasley and Arthur Weasley in the Headmaster's office, what shall I tell them?" the Bloody Baron questioned, floating in mid-air, scaring the bloody hell out little Henry and Severus who screamed and huddled into Hadrian. Luckily though their curiosity outweighed their fear at that age, and they were peering at Baron with unique curiosity that only children could elicit.

Hadrian frowned, "Inform her that I shall be in the office and with Henry and Severus as soon as I possibly can. Get the House-elves to see to it that they've got something to eat and drink while they wait, we'll likely be about twenty minutes." Kali was with Imogen, Ivy and Lucius today when Kali heard that Imogen was taking Ivy to the zoo she'd pleaded and begged to go and Imogen had agreed to her come, Severus had said no. The only interest in animals he had were the ones on paper or used in Potion ingredients.

"Very well," the Bloody Baron declared, before taking off, upwards, until he made his way through the staircases and well on his way to the headmaster's office.

Hadrian wished he'd taken the Floo or something, anything, even a Portkey. He'd just wanted to let the kids see Hogwarts properly, not just end up in the office. Although, the best view would come when they were eleven, and he smiled as he recalled his own time crossing over the lake and under the school on the boat.

Or more likely, waited until Monday, it would have been far easier with the kids at school. The life of being tutored and secluded from society was long gone. With only a few doing it until their children actually did accidental magic. Which set them behind, and embarrassed them, thus all children actually began 'nursery' at four and school at five, a lot of their day was socialising and having fun and learning their ABC's and 123s.

Shaking off his thoughts, easing the kids up the stairs, glancing upwards with pursed lips. They'd get there, there was only one more level to go, technically, since the gargoyle led them up to the 'fourth' level. "Come on then, one more level!"

"Kids at Hogwarts!"

"A Headmaster should be able to focus you know," one of the portraits said eyeing Hadrian was if he was the oddest thing to happen to the school.

Lord of time (chapter 41-107)Where stories live. Discover now