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"Hadrian, wake up, the others will be here in half an hour," Tom called out to his husband, standing beside the window with a letter clutched in his hand. Dressed only in a pair of boxers, as soon as he'd claimed the letter the owl took off. Seeing that Hadrian was watching him, green eyes gleaming ardently, he added, "If you're spending the entire morning in Diagon Alley, you should reply to Yaxley's letter, let him know whether you intend to take up his offer or not," they only had half an hour, they were not going to start something he wasn't going to get a chance to finish.

Hadrian groaned as he reluctantly removed himself from his warm and comfortable bed. "I've not had a chance to think about it," he had been otherwise preoccupied last night. It definitely made up for having to endure every single pureblood that he'd had to put up with last night. Seeing him in just his underwear was heady itself, but Tom was right, they had too much to do today for an early morning romp.

"Sometimes it's like I know you better than you know yourself," Tom scoffed, but it wasn't derision on his face but blatant amusement.

"That isn't hard," Harry admitted with a smirk, as he moved over to his wardrobe and began to remove the clothes he wanted to wear today. "Having choices...even now tends to make me analyze everything, you know?"

"Or look for catches and ulterior motives that sometimes aren't there," Tom pointed out, he said nothing of analyzing everything since it was a good process to have. He too did the same thing, and in his book, it was nothing to be ashamed of.

"Yes," Harry nodded, putting on his t-shirt, his next reply slightly muffled due to the material over his head, "I'll think about it and send him my reply tonight,"

"Don't wait too long, he may have actually sent out the same letter to more than one person," Tom pointed out seriously, as he joined Hadrian, and began to pick out clothes, eyeing Hadrian's choice of attire critically before nodding, it was definitely much better than he had dressed in the past.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Hadrian shrugged, as he stepped into his trousers, and yanked them up before doing the fastenings. "If they're desperate to send out missives like that, they'll definitely have at least a few 'apprentice' type situations going on. Pomfrey should be finished with her Medi-Witch course, I'd like to talk to her."

"Why?" Tom asked blankly staring at Hadrian, half dressed utterly baffled by his statement.

"She's the Medi-Witch at Hogwarts, for years, decades actually, she came to Hogwarts between your time and my father's time at the school. She's very powerful, she could do more with her life than just be a Medi-Witch at Hogwarts." Harry explained, "It's odd, I want her to do well, but I also cannot see her in any other position."

"Hmm," was all the sound Tom made, losing interest immediately.

Hadrian snorted, grinning widely, knowing Tom well enough to know he didn't give two hoots. His stomach grumbled in a complaint, he reckoned he had around twenty minutes to have a quick breakfast before the guys were here. "Give me your Hogwarts list I'll get everything we both need." and they did have some different classes, Tom, for example, didn't take the offered healing classes and the Alchemy ones he was taking. "I'll see you downstairs," he added as he opened the bedroom door.

"I have a gift for you," Tom informed his husband before he could step outside their bedroom, in his hand he had a large square blue box which he had just pulled from the ornate dressing table that was mostly used by Tom while he replied to missives or kept up to date on his vaults and Harry solely for him to keep his manuscript in and secure.

Hadrian turned around curiosity written all over his face, "Why? Have I missed something?" a 'V' shape crinkling at his forehead as he tried to think of anything he potentially missed.

Lord of time (chapter 41-107)Where stories live. Discover now