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Tom landed once again in the pensive, he was getting used to the sensation given the number of times he'd been dragged both in and out of the thing this evening. Truthfully though he wasn't really paying all that much attention to the sensations that it aroused within him. He was feeling more than just a little numb, perhaps even a mild case of shock, seeing himself trying to murder the wizard he loved (multiple times!) would do that to anyone.

Admittedly he hadn't seen any more memories of himself yet, the ones he had just seen were pieces of Hadrian's third year of Hogwarts. Which had made him furious at Dumbledore yet again, how dare he allow Dementors to enter Hogwarts! In the process endangering Hadrian who had fallen fifty foot from his damn broomstick. If he'd thought that was bad, he'd had to endure the sight of Hadrian surrounded by hundreds of Dementors in the process of having his soul sucked out. Admittedly seeing him casting a patronus as weak as he had been, and the sight of it had left him momentarily speechless and his mind had just frozen too. Seeing that he had realized it was little wonder Dumbledore hadn't left anything to chance, Hadrian was just too powerful to risk him finding out he was more inclined towards the dark arts...to his side.

Blinking at the sight before him, he didn't need an explanation, it was the exact same spot Hadrian had Apparated him here when he had gotten revenge on both his father and uncle. This was Little Hangleton, and up the hill stood Riddle Mansion, but not as he remembered it. It was derelict by the look of it, his eyes narrowed at the closeness between Harry and Diggory, even he couldn't deny the boy was handsome. Not that it lasted long, before he noticed movement, and the raspy words 'Kill the spare' followed by green light speeding towards the seventh year and end his life.

"Another pureblood family gone, Cedric Diggory was the only heir to the Diggory family, Amos Diggory did not have another heir, in fact he became a shadow of his former self when he lost his son." Hadrian commented, digging just a little at Tom's indignation, he knew Tom loathed the thought of all those pureblood lines being lost...to know it was him was probably hitting him even harder, although admittedly it would hit him harder when he had a chance to process the fact.

Tom gritted his teeth as he stared at the body, his scathing glare almost begged the damn dead body to get back up.

His scathing glare was redirected when the disgusting rat he had the misfortune of calling a follower dared to manhandle what was his. Death Eaters, another thing he was in revulsion of, why the hell would he call his followers Death Eaters? He had so many questions he wanted to ask Hadrian, he wasn't sure how many would be answered, but he was hoping at least some of them would. Unfortunately he doubted he'd ever get an answer to why he was idiotic enough to give his followers a name like that.

Tom followed Pettigrew, watching what he was doing with an air of interest, watching the ingredients he put into the man sized cauldron, understanding beginning to dawn on him, this was some sort of ritual used to restore someone to their body if his knowledge and calculations were right and he knew he was right despite the fact his Ancient Runes and Arithmancy wasn't exactly one hundred percent yet, he was only up to his sixth year and some of those calculations and runes were admittedly above even someone as intelligent and smart as he was.

"Amazing isn't it?" Hadrian said joining him, "You created this yourself, I hid out in Riddle Mansion when I was on the run from my so called friends, I found a lot of your rituals, I couldn't help but admire you even then. You were fucking brilliant despite everything, I was probably there for the longest amount of time that I managed to hide anywhere before they tracked me."

Despite the situation Tom felt only smug satisfaction that Hadrian thought so highly of him. That was until he caught sight of the homunculus, a curl of his lips was the only thing showing his repulsion. While self-preservation had always been one of his strongest desires, he'd never wanted this. The homunculus was dropped into the concoction, and Pettigrew began the ritual that would return the homunculus to a true body.

Lord of time (chapter 41-107)Where stories live. Discover now