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Minister for Magic, Leonard Spencer-Moon stalked through the bleak halls of Azkaban Prison, surrounded by five Aurors who were his guards first and foremost. Not that he required them often, the public actually liked Minister Spencer-Moon, he was very good at his job. A sound Minister overseeing a period of great turmoil during the worst of times. Between the global wizarding war (which was in reality Grindelwald's reign) and of course, the Second World War. He got on well with his British Muggle counterpart, Winston Churchill, and between the both of them, they were doing well in trying to keep their communities safe and spirits lifted with the times of great turmoil.

Try as he and President Picquery tried, they could not put a stop to Grindelwald, not only was he elusive but he was an escape artist by the likes they'd never seen before. Each time they grew close to capturing him he killed everyone and fled. The public were calling out for something to be done as Grindelwald slowly advanced across the globe coming close and closer to British shores. Their belief was that Dumbledore might be the only one powerful enough to stop him. Where those rumours had come from...nobody knew, but it was true, Albus Dumbledore did have powers that were of the charts.

Hence his reason for being here in Azkaban prison, hoping against hope to reason with the wizard, perhaps gain some insight into Grindelwald and his potential plans for Britain. His Aurors were extremely displeased with his visit, and what they suspected he might do to end this war once and for all. Especially given what he had done to Hadrian Peverell-Slytherin. The boy was very well liked in all circles, everyone desired to speak about him, or his books he'd published and the evidence of the matter pertaining to the books. If he did this, he knew he'd have more than pissed off Aurors at his neck, he may be risking his career but he had to make the hard calls.

He'd worked his ass off climbing up the ladder over the years, to think he'd begun his career as Tea Boy in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. He'd been the Minister for magic for six years, much of that time in office, he had been termed a 'War Minister' due to the wars going on, everything seemed to be happening at once. He was in his element though, he was a very strategic thinker, tactical leadership came in handy during these times.

"Prisoner XO123 as requested, Sir, is in the interrogation room," which consisted of two chairs and a table Spencer-Moon realized, Dumbledore was already situated on the seat, his chains firmly attached to prevent escape. Also preventing Albus from placing his hands on the table as well, as they hung limp between his legs, leaning his elbows on his thighs.

Those blue eyes stared calmly back, a knowing gleam sparkling just so, which made the Minister wish to grit his teeth. Remembering why he'd hesitated in coming even if only for a merest moment. During his trial he'd had the same look on his face. At least until he'd been sentenced at any rate.

"Grindelwald is coming closer and close to Britain," the Minister stated curtly, flinging the newspaper onto the desk, revealing the headlines of Grindelwald suspected of being in France. "Do you know what he wants?" surprisingly, when Dumbledore caught sight of the paper he became alarmed and worried simultaneously, apparently he did care in some respect for the magical world. Either that or there was something he didn't know.

"World dominion over both magical and muggle folk," Albus said, "I think that's been made more than clear." Although Albus suspected it wasn't Britain he was actually after but the boy. From what he'd overheard, the suicidal idiot had accused Gellert of line theft, putting a target on his back for not only the slight against him but by sheer idiocy he'd let Grindelwald know that another line from the great Peverell's and coincidentally the Deathly Hallows still survived. He already had the wand, He was going to be after the other two items, the cloak of invisibility and the resurrection stone.

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