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Albus Dumbledore and the Peverell-Slytherin family as well as most high up Ministry workers were in one of the biggest conference rooms the Ministry had to offer. It was two levels above the court rooms, but with very similar layouts, which was rather disconcerting, especially if you'd ever been in those rooms. The anticipation of waiting to find out who would become the British Magical worlds Minister was heightening every given moment. All of them, when they should rightfully be working, were waiting for the outcome. The public - that desired to - voted on who would become the Minister in a general election.

The goblins had erected top level spells to prevent anyone unwilling, you'd be surprised how many attempted to use the Imperius curse. To ensure nobody used Polyjuice potion to vote twice, or aging themselves to get their own vote. Admittedly it wasn't something that happened often, except for those teenagers with a penchant for politics. Or spoiled teenagers insisting they were 'mature' enough to take part.

This voting was special, everyone could feel it, yes, the newspapers and radio was constantly going on about it this time of year. However, it was more this year, it was just everywhere, magazines, interviews, newspapers, radio, even witch weekly was getting in on it. Admittedly with a few pictures of Hadrian and Tom's good looks and how they were voted 'sexiest men alive' which by the way had had Tom preening like there was no tomorrow.

Most people knew who was likely to win the voting, others liked to insist that Dumbledore would win hands down. He was older, had more life experiences. Recent happenings aside, they felt Dumbledore was the direction the magical world really needed. Ones who had listened to Dumbledore and had begun to eat up his propaganda, but luckily, for the majority of the magical world, his spiel wouldn't work.

The most intelligent knew Dumbledore was wrong, that the Peverell-Slytherin's were correct. The books he'd released, the new families emerging, it was phenomenal. It had all started when the young Peverell had returned to the magical world with a rather dramatic touch. Being attacked by Grindelwald - or Grindelwald's men the truth does tend to become distorted - and appearing in the very place where he could get help. He'd very nearly died, so it was as dramatic as one could make it. Then Tom and Hadrian proceeded to take care of the problem before it could destroy the British magical world. They'd saved them, and so young too.

Even the most headstrong and stubborn purebloods - who believed they were better - had ceded to their intelligence and belief when it came to a lot of things. Including the need to comprise when it came to what used to known as Muggle-borns and Mudbloods. They were now referred to new blood.

The ministry's conference room had tables strewn across the wall all groaning with the weight of the food upon it. In the middle to the right side of the room - where there was a dais - had a pyramid of champagne filled glasses on display, glimmering brightly, and safely spelled from spillage or falling down like a house of cards.

"It's hilarious to hear them talking like Dumbledore's going to win," Aiden commented, glass at his mouth before drinking half the glass in a smooth move. Dressed to the nines for absolutely no reason, and relishing in the attention nonetheless. Shaking his head ruefully, "Dumbledore's 'light' fraction is too small for him to have a hope in hell." The neutral and dark fractions - Hadrian hated him using this term - were too large and too wise to Dumbledore's games and honestly? His prejudice was to well known, his insistence on preferring the 'Gryffindors' had been his downfall Aiden reckoned. Dumbledore might be 'older and wiser' so to speak, but the power couple had taken a very serious threat and took care of it.

Hadrian made a sound of neither agreement or disagreement, "Nothing is set in stone." He commented, drinking from his own glass brought to him by Aiden.

"You're kidding right? If I were interested, I could bet and win hands down," Aiden commented, but thankfully due to Hadrian's comments he had more than enough money in the Avery estate. He didn't do it often, or to just anyone, but it happened occasionally, and nobody dismissed his word, not anymore. Only an utter fool actually would.

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