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"Ugh, I think that's me done for the night," Hadrian murmured, as he pushed his plate further up the table. Much to his consternation, the food had been absolutely divine, but well, that wasn't down to the Malfoy's really, and he'd made sure to say as such when he 'complimented' their House-elves for an absolutely beautiful meal, and so artistically positioned. Despite his constant digs the Malfoy's had been ever so graceful, it truly was amusing to Hadrian, after all, he knew how they treated their enemies, and it was obvious to him they didn't want to consider him one. Admittedly Octavian was much less friendly and a little cooler towards him than Tom, but Hadrian didn't mind, he preferred it even. This was Tom's stage, where he thrived, and it was magnificent to watch him work his charm.

"Yeah, I've got to be home for curfew in ten minutes," Avery admitted, glancing at his pocket watch to see the time for himself.

"Aren't your parents here?" Hadrian cocked his head to the side in confusion, knowing that they were here, he had met them earlier. "Have they left already?"

"Oh, they're here alright," Avery murmured amused, shaking his head ruefully.

Hadrian's eyebrows rose in silent question judging by everyone's expression they already knew everything he wanted answering.

"It's encouraged for those under the age of eighteen to head home at ten o'clock, whether our parents are there or not," Dolohov explained, "It's usually when 'business' truly begins, and the heavy drinking, they keep it up until one or two o'clock in the morning,"

"Latest I've heard my parents returning was three o'clock, and I think it was a Malfoy party too," Avery scratched his chin thoughtfully before nodding determinedly, yes, it definitely had been a Malfoy party. "I was quite young, too young to even want to attend a party, I must have been nine or ten years old."

"You stayed up that long?" Abraxas threw Aiden a surprised glance.

"My room used to be above the sitting room, the fireplace still does straight up by my old bedroom, the guest bedroom above and of course, the attic." Avery exclaimed ruefully, "Every time someone used the Floo I could feel it, woke me up every time. It was annoying when my father used it at six o'clock in the morning,"

"How long did it take for them to give you the heir room?" Orion asked with a smirk playing on his face.

"Too long," Avery grumbled, his annoyance unpalatable.

"Let me guess when your Hogwarts letter came?" Dolohov questioned, a knowing look on his face.

Avery grudgingly nodded, yes, it was when his letter came, judging by Dolohov's look he'd been through the same thing.

"Why not when you first display magic?" Hadrian asked his gaze blank as he observed them. He wasn't a pureblood, had never grown up with any, the Weasley's didn't really count, they didn't adhere to the rituals that the Pureblood's kept. So he wasn't in the know, but he could figure it out from how they were talking. He didn't ask if they had performed magic by the age of ten, now that would just be too much of an insult. These were quite powerful wizards in their own right, otherwise, Tom wouldn't give them the time of day. Albeit compared to him and Tom they were...adequate he supposed.

"Every family is different," Orion explained, "Some do give their heirs the heir room upon displaying their first instance of accidental magic. Others only do it when they've been given their letters for Hogwarts. It's mostly families with more than one child that does it admittedly, since you know...there's no guarantee to know who actually did the accidental magic."

"Aiden is an only child," Hadrian pointed out, "What was your first instance of accidental magic?" truly curious.

Avery startled at hearing his first name coming from Hadrian, like all others they usually used their last name, but with Hadrian having such a long name now they usually called him Hadrian sometimes Peverell but not often due to the look Tom gave them. "Well, my parents said I did my first instance of accidental magic when I was three, I caused an explosion actually, I was near the fireplace having a fit because they wouldn't let me see my friends and I was bored. Magic and fire don't mix, thankfully my dad was there that day, and quickly shielded my mother and I from the flames and parts of wood that exploded everywhere." they had been furious with him, for like an hour before their tune changed. probably after they'd gotten over the damage caused and probably panic too, to realize their son had performed his first bout of accidental magic.

Lord of time (chapter 41-107)Where stories live. Discover now