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One Month Later

As soon as he got home, Tom kicked off his shoes and socks, sighing in relief as he stretched out. They had been training at Orion's today. Each Pure-blood had so many wards upon their properties that accidental magic was never registered. It enabled them to be trained for this upcoming fight, and a hell of a fight it would be. Tom was teaching them ruthlessly and without mercy. Grindelwald's fanatics would duel them viciously with intent to win, they wouldn't care that they were still students. So Tom would ensure they could fight back against all and anything the fanatics sent their way. Hadrian hadn't been there today, he'd been busy at St. Mungo's.

He found a plate of food on the table, still warm from the charm cast on it to keep it that way. The wards told him that Hadrian was in their bedroom, probably already conked out.

Yesterday he had been training the others, then with him, then he'd been up at six am to get ready for his shift. No doubt he was exhausted, but they had to do it, it was imperative to get everyone trained up. Especially those he actually trusted the most - as much as he trusted any of them really - he wanted them with him to guard his back.
Claiming his seat, he ate the food in front of him with relish, it was definitely a meal Hadrian had made on his own. He knew Hadrian's home-cooked food from taste alone. The House-elves actually learned from Hadrian, his preferred meals, but they never tasted exactly the same. A lot of the dinners were pasta or rice based, with plenty of meat and chicken. They were always delicious, but after living off of the food in the Orphanage, anything was better than that swill.

Thinking on the duels today, Orion was definitely one of the best fighters of the group. He knew some serious spells that impressed him. Given he was the Black heir and he had a hell of a library he wasn't surprised. He would admit only to himself, that he sort of wished he could have delved into the Black library instead of duelling. Hell, Orion had given him permission to come over when he wanted to, in order to read what he liked, but the books never got taken out the library, he was firm on that even if there was worry in his eyes at stating such. Elaborating that they actually couldn't be taken out by anyone other than his parents or siblings. Tom actually wanted to test that theory, if anyone knew though, it would be Hadrian, but considering he did have Black blood in him...he might be able to take them out.

Avery was second best, since he wasn't including Abraxas, since he was not a student, but well trained in any situation. His father had ensured that his son could defend himself after he graduated Hogwarts. Hiring on the best of tutors, thus Abraxas was not only training with him but helping him train the others, especially when Hadrian wasn't there.
Having finished his meal, Tom banished the plate to the sink without conscious thought. It was only seven o'clock, but he was tired and made the decision to join Hadrian in bed.

He wanted to finish reading his book anyway, which only had five chapters left.

Removing his cloak, he threw it on the couch before ambling up the stairs, making his way straight to their shared bedroom. Glancing immediately over at the bed, finding Hadrian asleep under the sheets, the duvet folded up at the bottom. Slowly and silently, Tom made his way into their en-suite and stripped down, gratefully removing the sweat soaked clothes he'd been wearing all day, shoving them into the laundry shoot - the House-elves would take care of them - and put the shower on and stepped into it. The warm spray getting rid of the sweat clinging to his body, washing away the only evidence of the hard work he'd done.

Briskly and efficiently, he soaped himself up, before stepping back under the spray, groaning and stretching out his aching muscles. His hair was washed next, and as soon as the water run clear of suds he stepped out, turning it off, wrapping a white towel around his waist. Using a smaller one to dry off his chest, face and hair until it was merely damp. Like Hadrian, Tom preferred not to use the drying charm, especially not on his hair, which became untameable with its usage.

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