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The first thing that hit Hadrian was the unbelievably bad headache, the next was he felt like something had crawled into his mouth and died. The third his stomach was grumbling angrily, and the most important thing of all, he was in a bed. Opening his eyes slowly, glancing at the windows, which still didn't have curtains on them, regardless it was pitch black outside, obviously too much time couldn't have passed. Tom's arm was across his middle, he was still there, and he must have meant everything he said then. He couldn't remember getting up and going to bed, which meant there was more he couldn't remember or Tom had managed to get them both here.

Moaning softly, he slid out of bed, clutching his stomach, as the urge to vomit hit him, no, he wasn't going to be sick, he absolutely refused. Making his way very slowly to the end of his bed, he unlatched his trunk and opened it, grabbing an anti-nausea potion and downing it; at once his stomach began to calm down, unfortunately for him his mouth tasted even worse. He nabbed the food box from the Leaky Cauldron and closed the lid before making his way back to his bed, grimacing at the smell of his top; he quickly removed it and threw it at the other end of his bedroom.

Opening the box he immediately claimed the bottle of orange juice and drank the entire contents of the bottle, giving a sigh of relief as his thirst was finally quenched and his mouth free of the remains of the potion. He was tempted to drink the pumpkin juice as well, but he didn't want to risk making his stomach queasy again. An arm snaked out and wrapped around his stomach, pulling him close to Tom. Sighing softly, relaxing, content to be just near Tom, he couldn't believe he was still here though, and was tempted to think this was nothing but a dream, but the tightness in which Tom held him, he knew this wasn't a dream it was reality.

"Accio potion," Hadrian said summoning a very specific one with will alone. "Here, this will help you feel better." once the potion was in his palm he handed it to Tom, well the one hand that wasn't so possessively around him anyway. It was a testament to the trust between them that Tom swallowed the potion without even so much as glancing at it or sniffing it to see what it was.

He also handed Tom the bottle of pumpkin juice, which he drank some of still laying down. He helped twist the lid back on when he was done. Shivering at the feel of Tom's wandering hand against his naked flesh. How could a touch feel so possessive? Was it just him or was Tom just so good at it?

"How did you survive that killing curse?" Tom asked, his tone frustrated, he had been trying to think of all the conceivable ways possible but his mind kept drawing blank and he didn't like it.

"Which one?" Hadrian questioned quietly, lying back against the pillows, biting his lip as Tom's hand brushed down his stomach tantalisingly.

"First time," Tom elaborated, using his elbow to take the weight of his upper body so he wasn't lying down completely, he was able to gaze at Hadrian in the darkness.

"Honestly? Nobody is sure, the entire magical world thought it was a miracle, they hailed me 'The-Boy-Who-Lived' probably didn't help that Dumbledore kept me hidden making me seem even more mystical." Hadrian replied honestly, carding his fingers through Tom's on his stomach, no longer nervous or scared that Tom would leave. "I think it was a combination of a few things, magic itself and your destroyed soul. You made a promise to spare my mum, that combined with my mum's sacrifice which was enacted by you telling her three times to stand aside, it caused a backlash." his mum, Merlin he hadn't called her that since he came here, it was quite strange but it made him feel closer to Tom.

"What happened to Myrtle?" Tom asked, remembering the pensive memory of...Harry's second year, the years had become blurred but he was sure once he had enough time to think them through, memories them they would slot easily into place.

Lord of time (chapter 41-107)Where stories live. Discover now