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"Morning," Hadrian murmured, as he padded out to the patio still a little sleepy after a good night's rest. He still didn't get it, how the more you sleep the more tired you become after wakening up. The smell of coffee sure did perk him up before Tom shook his head and pointed towards another cup, which he knew by now had decaf in it. "You do know in these times it's not a problem drinking coffee?" he grumbled in complaint, pointedly not pouting as he sat down...well, not visibly but there was little doubt Tom felt the pout through their bond.

"It's better to be safe," Tom replied, watching him avidly. No doubt his husband severely regretted telling him everything he had about the do's and do nots of being pregnant in his own time. The medical advances the world would undergo were massive, to put it lightly. Decaf coffee wouldn't be around or rather patented for at least another decade or so. The process had been rather straightforward once the House-elves got a hold of it. It now lacked much of its caffeine but retained its flavour. It had been fascinating overseeing he must admit. Hadrian got one cup in the morning but that was all he permitted himself, and all Tom did too. He would keep Hadrian on the straight and narrow even if Hadrian wavered.

Claiming the cup of coffee, Hadrian sat on the bench next to his husband and sighed softly as he leaned against Tom. He wasn't feeling very hungry, so he didn't even attempt to claim his plate. Plus, the House-elves were giving him weird meals, scrambled eggs and avocado's and fruit.

"Not feeling hungry?" Tom asked, amused, he still found it hilarious that no matter what Hadrian said to the House-elves they still continued to give him meals that were rich in protein and healthy for the baby without even considering Hadrian's likes and dislikes.

"There is an avocado cut up into my scrambled egg," Hadrian said dryly, "So, no, not hungry." In fact, it had made him feel even more sick if he was honest. "I'll try dry toast again, it worked yesterday." they hadn't told anyone he was pregnant yet, but the cat would be let out of the bag tonight at the ceremony that they were attending.

It had been quite a rocky few months; Tom had not taken the news well at all. In fact, when he came to, he'd been adamant that they didn't need another child. All but begged Hadrian to reconsider, asking if Fenrir wasn't enough...going so far as to suggest adoption but Hadrian had been adamant in his refusal. Tom, instead of saying something he'd regret had Apparated out of their home.

-0 Flashback 0-

For just a second, Tom was confused as to why exactly he was on the floor before he cottoned on. Eyes snapping open, he swiftly stood back up, his cheeks a little red as he listened to his husband giggling outrageously over his admittedly momentarily slip of composure. If fainting could be seen as a momentarily slip of composure that is. Tom would never see it as anything but. Narrowing his eyes, "It is hardly that funny, and if anyone finds out I'll make sure you live to regret it." warned Tom, Hadrian just giggled even more at the redness suffusing Tom's cheeks, he didn't need to feel the embarrassment through the bond to know how much Tom was reacting to fainting.

"I'm sure I will," Hadrian said after getting himself under control, Tom could threaten him all he liked, Hadrian could sense he didn't mean it. "But can you imagine their reaction?" he asked innocently enough causing Tom's glare to notch up from Defcon 4 to Defcon 1.

"I'll kill anyone you tell," Tom said seriously, he would not allow anyone to know or see him as vulnerable.

Hadrian huffed, "Take away my fun why don't you?" knowing Tom was actually probably serious...honestly, everyone knew he was human, just like the rest of them. His desire to see him elevated was ridiculous...but at least he got to see the real wizard under all that posturing. It warmed him that he got to see that, he was happy that Tom at least showed him and Fenrir his softer side, the real Tom.

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